4. Can's heaven on earth

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Can felt like to cry. To cry when he heard her telling him to take her. To him this was not only sex, this was so much more. This must be heart and soul. For the first time ever he felt desire not only for sex, he felt desire to have her heart, her soul, her mind...he wanted all of her. He didn't know what was happening to him with this woman, and he felt totally lost, damn it, damn her!, just like the first moment he laid his eyes on her, earlier today.
Still at the dancefloor, they were pressed together, dancing to "Beautiful angel" or something, a song that brought a certain enchantment between them, and he whispered to her he wanted to leave, with her. She nodded and went with him towards the bar, where Yigit still stood waiting.
Can came up beside Yigit, with Sanem's hand in his, and he knew he owed him an explanation, as he actually had "robbed" him his date.
Can grabbed Yigits shoulder with his free hand and said:
"Eehmm... Yigit, me and Sanem know each other since before, and we have some...well, some unfinished things between us, that we need to sort out. I am sorry, and so is Sanem, but we didn't plan this to happen, to bump into each other tonight. Please forgive us, but we are about to leave together, ok?".

And without waiting for Yigit to respond, he walked with Sanem towards the wardrobe, got her coat and went outside the restaurant. He looked around, seeing a few cameras across the road, so he took of to the right, still with Sanem's hand in his.
He stopped for a second to send a quick message to Emre on his phone, just to let him know he left the place.
He actually was a bit surprised, as he spent almost the whole evening without being recognized except for some groupies, but nothing worse. Or, he didn't really know, as he had been so into Sanem, he hadn't noticed anyone else, what could he say?

A little further on, there was a small awning above a shop window, and it was quite dark underneath it, so Can dragged Sanem towards the little shop's entrance door.
He pushed her up against it, grabbed her face with one of his big hands and pressed himself into her. He stared at her, and when she opened her eyes, she met his stare.
God, he couldn't think clearly when she was near him! he thought and closed his eyes, breathing heavily, trying to get the control back. He didn't, so he hovered over her, with his mouth just an inch from hers, still pressing himself into her. Her stare changed to a wanting gaze, upon his lips, up to his eyes and back to his mouth again, with her lips parted, gasping.

Can couldn't stand it anymore and lowered his mouth to hers, taking her lower lip between his and softly started to suck on it. He was controling himself, so soft and tender he started, but when he heard her small moans, he went on, sucking and nibbling her lip, followed its line with the tip of his tongue, moved on to the corners, to her upper lip. She was panting and moaning and suddenly she grabbed his face with her hands, making him stop. She pulled his bottom lip down with her thumb and started to lick its exposed inner surface, moving further to his other lip, licking with her small, wet tongue. It was so damn hot and sexy so he thought and felt he would come, just like that, in that very moment! And if he didn't stop her soon and if he didn't stop imagine her doing the same thing to his big and throbbing friend in his trousers, he really would come..!
But no need to stop her, as she froze in that moment. She was breathing quickly and fixed her wanting look on Can.

"Can...take me to bed".


They got hold of a taxi, and when the driver asked them where to, they looked at each other and then Sanem told the driver her adress.
They sat quiet and close together, just holding hands, both feeling that pull and so much anticipation; Can thought he was on his way to heaven, and Sanem was nervous but determined, tonight she finally was going to spend it with a man, and what a man! He was so gorgeous, so handsome and too sexy to be true, and he made her feel so wanted, so desired! And he made her feel that he felt the same as her, that this was not only sex, this was far more than that. She still didn't have a clue what it was, but she was hot and ready for him, she wanted him to be her first and to show her what sex and its pleasure was all about. She kept her fingers crossed that she wouldn't disappoint him, as for sure he was used to sophisticated women with more than enough experience of all kind.
She felt him soothing her hand with his long fingers and she turned her head to face him. She found him gazing at her, and he leaned towards her and whispered,

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