34. Honesty lasts the longest. Usually.

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The Cathedral was a 'b&b'. Big and beautiful. Just like Can, Sanem thought and smiled.
He saw it and asked what she smiled about.
She looked at him.

"This Cathedral reminds me of you. Or, you are a 'b&b', just like the Cathedral."

"A 'b&b'? What does that means? Bed & breakfast? he asked and frowned at her.

Today both of them were dressed very casual and with peaked caps.

Today both of them were dressed very casual and with peaked caps

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"Big and beautiful," she responded and gazed at him. She could see his mouth get o shaped before he got his wolfgrin on. She inhaled a bit and felt the butterflies take off in her belly, like they normally did when he was close and got that grin on. So handsome, so stunning. She sighed and turned her eyes back on the Cathedral. They stood on Piazza del Duomo in front of it and had been inside already. She was amazed and could understand it had taken about 600 years to finish it.

"Bebek, you must be hungry

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"Bebek, you must be hungry." Can didn't ask, he stated, as she always was hungry. He took her hand and started to walk.

"There is a nice place called...eeh...'Pen...no, 'Panzerotti Luini' not far away from here and they have the best portions of pizza and stuffed mini-pies in Milan, are you up for it?" he asked her and nibbled on her fingers with his lips.

"Absolutely, I love pizza, especially the thick ones! I mean the ones with so much ingredients on that you hardly can bite down on it...yes, I'm up for it!" she said and felt her taste buds react.
Can walked backwards as he held her both hands and wanted to see her smile. She was his sunshine and he could watch her for hours and hours. Her face full of expressions and with those beautiful eyes...he got lost in her for a moment. He had to take a deep breath to get his mind back on track.

They were lucky and got a small table on the terrace as soon as they arrived at Panzerotti Luini. The weather had been great since the morning, and they really enjoyed the food, the atmosphere and each other. Until she asked him 'the' question. They were drinking wine and Sanem quickly got a bit tipsy and suddenly burst it out, that damn question.

"Now...Can...I want you to be honest." She stared into his eyes. He nodded.

"If I didn't exist in your life, would you consider accept that clause and if yes, would you have fucked her?" She got dead serious and stared even more into his eyes. He got problems to focus on her as this was the question he had feared. And the one he didn't want to respond, the one he didn't want her to ask. Now what? What was he supposed to do? Be honest or not? It didn't mean anything to him, as now he couldn't even imagine himself having sex with that...woman, but that did not change what he actually thought when he saw her last night. Three weeks ago and for sure he would have fucked her all over, that was what he thought yesterday, wasn't it? So even if he definitely didn't have any desire now, being with Sanem, what if..? What if he wasn't with Sanem? Without Sanem in his life, would he have returned alone to his suite last night? He stared in front of him and suddenly focused on...wait, where was she? What the fuck..? She was gone! He got so deep inside his thoughts about what to answer, she had disappeared in front of him!
He got up from the table and looked around, calling her name. He couldn't see her anywhere and he panicked. He asked the waiter if he had seen his girlfriend and the waiter nodded yes, she left a moment ago and he thought he had seen her take off to the left, but he wasn't sure. Can was already hyperventilating and tried to get his phone out of his pocket. His hands were shaky and he failed a couple of times when he tried to press her contact to call her, but finally...she didn't answer. He called again, she didn't pick up. A third time and she rejected him. Fuck fuck fuck!!! He tried to calm down while he got some money out of his wallet to pay for their meal and he pushed it into the waiter's hand, no time to wait for the bill. He took off to the left as the waiter had told him, speeded up and searched for her in a hysterical way. Fuck you, Can, fuck you, you stupid bastard! He scolded himself over and over again. Why the fuck did you even think twice about it, Can? There were things in life you shouldn't be honest about, ever! Total denial when those kind of questions jumped out of your beloved girlfriend's head and mouth, how stupid can you be, Can?? Huh? He half ran, half walked, calling out her name every 20 seconds when he passed by people, shops, museums or whatever. He didn't care, he just wanted to find her. But he didn't.

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