79. Z. A. & E. N. Divit

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Öff. She was so full! And so satisfied. She grinned at Can where he sat on the other side of the table on 'Pearl River Deli', leaned in over it and grabbed his hands with hers.

"Can...thank you, love. And thank you for not giving in on my stupid intents to convince you to tell me about this so beautiful surprise, really. I'm sorry for..."
He interrupted her.

"Don't. Don't be sorry, bebek. I love when you are impatient and grumpy and behave like a seven years old, Sanem. I love you in every single mood, it makes me feel alive, you make me feel like I am the happiest man in the world. Well...most of the time."

He got that crooked smile on when he nodded at her, as like to confirm his words and she gazed at him. He lowered his voice before he went on.

"Especially when we end any quarrel with some sweet lovemaking, with me buried inside you

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"Especially when we end any quarrel with some sweet lovemaking, with me buried inside you..." He bit his lip for a moment and with the look he gave her, she got hot all over. She blushed and got a shy smile on. Can couldn't actually believe that she still blushed around him.

"Hey, are you blushing, Sanem..? With me? I'm Can, your husband, who you sometimes talk very dirty to and with who you make wonderful love and hot sex..!"

He laughed at her and caressed her cheek. She bit his hand to scold him, but she only managed to make him serious. And horny. Well...hornier. They met eyes for a moment and Can asked her if she wanted some dessert.

"Yeah, absolutely...so let's go, Can."

He gawked at her before he got his wolfgrin on and quickly waved at the waiter for the bill.


Can sat in front of Sanem and Dunia on the jet. They were just about to take off and he noticed that Sanem was nervous as she babbled and babbled with the doctor, so he made a sign to her as to ask if she wanted him to sit beside her, but she declined. He gazed at her and got his thoughts back to their time in LA. It had been good, really good, most of the time, even with that...'trap' she had got him into on Tuesday, which luckely turned out great. And except those kisses on the premiere night, of course; he would have preferred it without them, but...it had been good.
Without his knowledge, Sanem had asked Brad to come for a drink on Tuesday afternoon at their hotel, in the bar in the lobby. As Brad was so intrigued (or maybe mesmerized was the right word) about her scent, she wanted to give him a jar or two and to tell him a bit about it. As well she had managed to get out of Can's sight after breakfast that day, and she went down to the reception and had a look around. There. She got closer to the desk and waited for her turn.

"Good morning, Miss. Do you remember me?" She met eyes with the blond behind the desk and got a small smile from her.

"Yes, I do. Mrs Divit, isn't it? Can I help you?"

Sanem got her eyes on the nameplate. Summer. Such a lovely name! Sanem smiled back at her and asked her if she had a moment. Summer nodded at her and came out from behind the desk.

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