75. Still a mystery

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She did so great on stage, in every way. Sanem beamed when she watched how Mirhiban welcomed everybody, how she introduced the shelter, the way she spoke, how she moved and how she kept them all under a certain spell.

"I suppose you all for sure already know who the founders of this shelter are, don't you? I must say I am proud of being their friend and that it's a great honor to introduce them to you; Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr and Mrs Caaan Divit!"

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"I suppose you all for sure already know who the founders of this shelter are, don't you? I must say I am proud of being their friend and that it's a great honor to introduce them to you; Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr and Mrs Caaan Divit!"

The public applauded happily, roared and whistled at them while Can helped his wife get out of the chair with her hand in a firm grip. Sanem was so stunning in her wide and short white dress with those long sleeves and with the material that moved softly around her thighs and almost camouflaged her beautiful pregnant belly, but only almost. They walked to the middle of the stage where Mirhiban waited for them, they hugged her dearly and bowed in front of the public. Then Can took the microphone that Mir offered him and waited until everyone was silent. He cleared his throat.

"Ehem...I...well, we, me and Sanem, are so pleased to have you here and we want to say thank you. All this came out of my beautiful and very smart wife's heart and head; when our agent Metin told her how much money Dior would pay her for being part of their new advertisement of 'Le plus Sauvage', together with that lousy actor she's married to, well..."

There were laughters after his words everywhere around them for a moment. Then he went on.

"...she couldn't understand why anyone would pay a person so much money just to appear for about 30 seconds in an after shave ad, she actually couldn't believe it! Such a waste of money! And...I would definitely say that she's right. So when I asked her what she wanted to do with the money, she didn't hesitate. And here we are today, this evening; my adorable wife can not speak due to tonsillitis, but she sent me a text earlier and kindly asked me to thank you all for your support, so...thanks!"

He stood back again beside Sanem, met her sparkling eyes and breathtaking smile, grabbed her hand and kissed it

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He stood back again beside Sanem, met her sparkling eyes and breathtaking smile, grabbed her hand and kissed it. Then they waved at the applauding public and bowed anew, until Mirhiban got the mic back and went on.

"But! It's hard work to start up a shelter. Nothing has really been easy and we have all worked hard with our hands and minds to make it happen. It all had to be legal, and we wouldn't have made it without our dear friend and ex-lawyer Bulut. Please, let us receive him with a big applause, here he is, our Mr Bulut!"

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