71. Gardener no, fresh horseshit yes

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The following week they tried to get back to normal; that meant that Can started at the agency again, and Sanem...she got in touch with Bulut and with Cey Cey, her very trusted employees. Or even more than that; Bulut was actually going to be a part of the company due to the shares Sanem had offered him, and Cey Cey...he already was a precious member of her 'family', so...when she listened to his babble on the phone, she didn't really listen to him, she just smiled and told him to get some tea ready for midday.

And ofcourse they had argued about her driving on her own; Can thought that she should not drive in her condition, and Sanem could definitely not understand what 'condition' he talked about. She glared at him with eyes big as plates, and she made him squirm.

"Well, I...I think you shouldn't drive, babe. Anything could happen."

She still glared at him when he said that, but now she frowned at him as well.

"Anything could happen..? Anything that couldn't happen if I wasn't pregnant, Can..huh? Tell me."

He just kept quiet, took a deep breath and then sighed.

"Okey. Just...just be careful, bebek. Please."

Can got his puppy eyes on when he pleaded that to her. Damn him, she thought, but she smiled and nodded at him.

"I promise, Can, I will drive as carefully as always, don't worry, okey?"

She parked the car at her lot 124 and greeted Max; she hadn't seen him for ages and it felt good to greet the older man with a smile on her face. He smiled back, gazed at her and simply told her that he found her...shining. Sanem halted and gawked at the man before she left. What the..? When she arrived to the boutique, she slipped upstairs straight away; she needed to get herself in front of the mirror before she met CeyCey and the girls. She turned on the lights in the bathroom and stared at herself. Hmmm. She couldn't really define any...anything 'shining' about her, but okey, she got ready to go downstairs and to find out. There were three persons down there, three friends who knew her quite well since years ago, so...
She opened up all the windows to ventilate the place before she went down to see if her friends would tell her what Max had told her; or was it just Max who could see further than others..?

CeyCey squealed and hugged her hard. She heard him sob a bit before he leaned back and stared at her with his quirky look.

"Hmmmmmm...you are gorgeous like always, Sanem, but...GIRLS!"

He shouted towards the back of the boutique and she saw Leyla and Güliz appear in the doorway three seconds later. They got their eyes on her and she could see Leyla gasp and put her hands on her face. Güliz just gazed and nodded at her with a sweet smirk on her lips.

"Congratulations, Sanem! How far gone are you?" Leyla squealed a bit as well, before she reached Sanem and hugged her dearly.

Sanem just stood there. How...hmm...she slowly closed her eyes and got that smile of hers on. She shook her head for a moment before she opened her eyes up again and got a questioning face on. She frowned at them before she spoke.

"How...how did you know..?"

She saw her friends smile at each other. Finally it was Güliz who answered her, still with the same sweet smirk on her lips and with raised hands.

 Finally it was Güliz who answered her, still with the same sweet smirk on her lips and with raised hands

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