46. Grumpy schmucks never listen

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They were arguing about how they were going to attend the Film Festival. He wanted to show off his future wife to the whole world, but she thought he should go without her. He was the star and shouldn't...Can just shook his head at her and said no. He wouldn't go without her and no, he was not going to meet up with her there. He wanted her with him, by his side, all the time. She rolled her eyes at him. It was Thursday evening and they were at home. Sanem had picked up what she was going to wear during the dance, with a surprise included, and as Şükrü was with her and offered her to keep it for her and to send it to the theatre with his personal assistant, she accepted. In that way she didn't have to worry about that Can would see it. Then she halted. And so what if he saw it? It wasn't exactly a weddingdress, for God's sake..!

Can was grumpy and impossible at the moment, and Sanem was frustrated. She got up from the sofa and walked off to the kitchen. She got hold of her phone and called Metin. She put her eyes on her 'written-all-over' fridge while she waited for Metin to pick up, and she had to smile. How sweet could Can be, huh? In only about a month's time they had experienced lots of things together, most of them good ones, but a couple of shitty things had came across them as well. Like a couple of fake boobs, for an example. Pfff..! She was glad Metin answered the phone in that moment, as she didn't want to think about that awful woman.

"Sanem? What's up, babe?" Metin said when he answered the phone and wondered in his head what Can had done this time and waited for Sanem to tell him.

"Metin, how are you? I wanted to ask if you are free tonight, and if yes, would you mind to come over? Please?" Sanem pleaded to him with a sweet voice and Metin laughed at her.

"What's the problem this time, Sanem? Is he mad, grouchy, drunk or just impossible?"

Sanem couldn't hold back her giggle and glanced at Can over her shoulder.

Sanem couldn't hold back her giggle and glanced at Can over her shoulder

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"All, except drunk." Sanem watched Can's annoyed expression. She heard Metin sigh on the other end of the line.

"What's it all about, the Festival?" he asked her.

"Yepp. We can't agree about the arrangements." She heard another sigh from him before he said

"Okey, I will be there in a while. Do you want me to bring some food for dinner?"

Sanem hesitated for a moment.

"Mmm...what do you think about a couple of pizzas and pizza salad later on, or any kind of take away?" she asked him.

"I'm up for anything, Sanem, we'll decide when I get there. See you in a bit!" He hung up on her and shook his head. Ay, these two..! He smirked and went to his bedroom to get some comfortable clothes on, got dressed and went out of the door with the car keys in his hand.
20 minutes later he arrived at Sanem's, and now also Can's, place. He rang the doorbell and Sanem opened up the door. He found his way through the boutique thanks to the dimlights, went upstairs and found the door open. He knocked on it and stepped inside. He heard that the TV was on, so he took his shoes off and walked towards the living room. He halted when he saw Sanem in the kitchen and went over and kissed her on her cheeks. She showed him her beautiful ring and Metin hugged her and congratulated her with a warm smile. Then he squeezed her arms and asked her where Mr Grumpy was. She smiled at him when she heard him call Can that.

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