68. Tanned honeymoon curves

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Can used Sanem's lumbar spine as a pillow. He had his face towards her so perfect behind, and he gazed at its curves. She was very tanned already, the old bikini marks were almost invisible after only three days naked on the island. Well, on this island and in the 'floating' villa where they stayed; built in the water, on the edge of the coral reef not far from the beach...pfff! Can was still amazed, and Sanem even more, by its beauty and by how unreal it seemed to be. He felt her sunheated skin against his cheek and he saw some sand grains spreaded out on one of her buttocks. He leaned over and tried to blow them off her and succeeded. He took advantage of how close he was and kissed the soft skin where the grains had been.

 He took advantage of how close he was and kissed the soft skin where the grains had been

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She hummed and moved a bit, but calmed down as soon as he used her as a pillow again. He sighed quietly and was sure that this must definitely be heaven on earth. Or not; she was his heaven, wherever they were, so...he sighed again, with his heart and mind flooded with happiness.
He got a wide smile on his face and suddenly bit that sweet buttock and made her squeal before he got up and grabbed his naked wife and threw her up on his shoulder. He walked off in his caveman manner towards the water, with a furious and insulting Sanem hanging there with her behind in the air. He just laughed at her and smacked her ass hard just before he reached the water and made both of them fall over. Even underneath the water he could hear her shriek for a moment, but when he got his face out of it, she had fallen silent. He smiled and after a moment he raised, stood up and searched for her around him but couldn't see her. The water was crystal clear and only reached him to the waist, and the sand at the bottom almost white, but...he still couldn't see her. Where was she? His smile slowly faded away and he could feel how the panic started to rise in his belly, how it quickly rushed further to his chest and how it started to squeeze his heart with full force.

"Sanem..? It's not funny, Sanem. Sanem?"

He started to hyperventilate but tried to take control over his panic attack. He had to search for her, now.

 He had to search for her, now

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Sanem laid on the sandy bottom about 10 meters away from Can. Even from there she could hear and see how upset he was getting, so she decided to release him from the anguish. She swirled around and swam towards him, still along the bottom, and tried to surprise him from behind. But as he was searching for her and moved around in the water, he caught her in the last second.
Can grabbed her upper arms and got her out of the water. He sobbed when he pressed her against his chest and squeezed her hard. Öff. Now yes, she ran out of air..! Underneath the water it was different, with her lungs full of it, but when Can first squeezed her and then held her hard...öff!
She had never told him, but when she was eight and started to go to the local indoor pool with her school class once a month to get swimming lessons, the monitors had noticed about her since the beginning. She could swim under the water for minutes and they taught her to swim in two lessons, while the rest of the children needed a whole season to learn. They were amazed by her and called her 'Little Mermaid', and convinced her parents to let them train her to be a part of the local team. So she had been with them for a couple of years, but when they started to demand so much more of her...she decided to quit. The team leader got upset but finally did understand her; she had done it only for fun and did not want to go on with the competitions. The ten years old little girl had shrugged at them with a smile, thanked them for teaching her a lot and waved for a second with her tiny hand before she left.

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