30. To Milan or not to Milan, that's the question

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Can stared at Metin with clenched jaws and a very angry look in his eyes.

"Why the fuck did you have to tell her that, Metin? Do you think that's something any girlfriend really wants to know, or to hear, huh? Damn it!" Can got up from the stool, put his hands on his hips and started to walk around. He stopped beside his friend who sat there and felt like shit.

"So what can I say to fix this crap? Fuck that italian production, fuck them all!" He sizzled to Metin and tried to keep his voice down. He was upset.

"Can, calm down. You actually refused, she can't say you tried to keep the truth from her. Maybe you didn't exactly tell her, but you didn't lie either." Metin put a hand on Can's arm to calm him down.

"Can, you have time to talk to her, Şükrü won't be here before 4 o'clock, just talk to her, okey?" Metin tried to make Can relax.

Again, Can stared at him with black eyes.

"Is that fucker coming today? Here? For what? She didn't tell me!" Now he was really upset.

"Can!!! Calm down, God damn it! Do you think you can talk and sort things out with her in this state?" Metin sizzled back at Can and got up and grabbed both Can's arms. Can shook Metin's hands of him and started to stroke his hair. They stayed quiet for a few moments and then Can asked Metin to leave. Metin nodded, put his hand on his friend's shoulder this time and told him to calm down before he tried to talk to her. Can kept quiet and just nodded. Metin left, still feeling like shit.

Can found the bottle of whiskey in one of the kitchen cabinets and sipped some of it. No glass needed. He put the bottle down, closed his eyes and tried to breathe. He stood like that for a few minutes and took another couple of sips. Then he opened his eyes, took a deep breath and walked over to her bedroom door. Again he tried to breathe normal and then he knocked the door. No answer. He knocked again. Still no answer.

"Sanem, please. Can I come in? We need to talk." He spoke in a low voice, but he knew she could hear him.

"Sanem?" Still no answer. He knocked on the door again, but nothing.

"San..." he got interrupted.

"Go away, Can, just go away." He could hardly hear her, but her words made him hyperventilate. He closed his eyes and used the givingbirth-method to calm down. Shitty method though, as it didn't work for him at all.

"I won't leave without talking to you first, so, your choice, bebek. I won't leave, Sanem, I won't!" He felt how he got tears in his eyes. How could things, life, change from heaven to hell in just one fucking minute??

Sanem sat on the other side of the door, with her back towards it. Her arms were around her folded legs and her face rested on her knees. She didn't cry and she couldn't really name what she felt at the moment. Was it anger? Disappointment? Jealousy? Whatever it was, she didn't like to feel this way. She tried to figure out what to do; she knew that life with a famous person would never be easy and she thought she had been at least a bit prepared, but...not for things like this though. Then she tried to analyze the situation. Can has known about it for some time, as he mentioned it to her days and days ago. Well, he mentioned it but didn't tell her about it, that's why they were in this situation right now. Metin said Can had refused the contract as soon as he was told about that clause in it, and that made her feel a bit better. But...what if there will be more contracts like that, contracts he couldn't refuse so easily? Then she suddenly straightened her back up and sat there with her eyes opened wide. Sanem, you stupid cow! Because of her pride and her jealousy, yes, it was mostly jealousy she felt, she had forgotten. He actually wanted to give it all up, for her. And she didn't let him. He wanted to go back to a normal life, because he wanted to be with her, but she told him not to. Shit. She smacked herself on her head before she turned around and stood on her knees, took hold of the doorhandle and opened the door up.

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