53. Can's fiery lioness.

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Can was up early next morning. He wanted to make her that 'hotel breakfast' she didn't get last time, as the bacon got burnt. He smiled when he remembered why it got burnt.
The tea was ready, he got the scrambled eggs in the big frying pan, the bacon in the smaller one and the toaster was on the countertop. So he turned off the cooker and went to wake her up, but he found her awake already.

"Smells good, Can. I hope the bacon is safe though."

She peeked at him but didn't move.

She peeked at him but didn't move

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"Good morning, aşkım. Your almost royal breakfast is ready for you, with non-burnt bacon."

He leaned down on his hands in the bed and kissed her cheek. She turned and got on her back and stretched her arms above her head. She yawned in a lazy way and got hold of his neck.

"Can...have I ever told you how much I love you?" She squinted her eyes at him and waited for him to answer her.

"Nope, never. Uh uh, not even once."

He looked proud and quite irresistible for a moment, and then he got his wolfy grin on which lit the whole room and Sanem's heart up. She inhaled and stared at his beauty and happiness.

"Well...I do, Can. I do love you with all my heart and with all my being," she whispered and saw how he got serious.

"Good to know that we do love each other in the exact same way," he replied and pulled her into a warm hug. He buried his face at her neck and inhaled her scent. He held on to her for another while before he let go of her.

"Get your sweet ass out of that bed, babe, breakfast is waiting!"

He pulled the duvet off her and walked back to the kitchen.

After the bathroom, Sanem jumped up on the stool beside Can at the kitchen island. He had just served her tea and a plate full of food.

"One minute and the toasts will be ready," he informed her. He watched her dig in on the food with apetite, and he had to smile, like always. He loved to watch her eating and still wondered how she could keep her body so perfect, with the curves on the right places. He absolutely adored her body with its smooth skin and with those curves, but he would adore her and her body in any shape. In any.
The bread popped out of the toaster and he gave her one.

"We have a few things to talk about this morning, Sanem."

He looked at her and she still had her mouth full of food.

"Well, at the moment it seems like I'll do the talk and you...you eat and listen, okey?" He smirked at her when she glared at him.

"As you know, I was with Metin yesterday and he had news for us. After I told him last week about your wishes for our honey moon, he got in touch with Dior straight away, Sanem."

He glanced at her and saw that he had her attention.

"There are tropical rain forests on Madagascar you see, but without...you know what. Well, you'll find them there and anywhere in the world, but normal ones, not the...other type. So Metin suggested Madagascar to them for the shoot and they called him yesterday morning to let him know that they agreed on that! They don't mind, as long as they'll get that damn jungle..!"

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