14. Space in her heart, life and bathroom cabinet

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Friday morning Can had another photo shoot about an international brand of watches, so he left Sanem's place just after 9. As they woke up early, they had time to have a shower together and Can got clean clothes out of the sportbag he had brought the evening before.

"I actually brought several pairs of underwear, so you won't get surprised again like yesterday when my..."friend" jumped out of my jeans", he said with a smile.

She got a bit red on her cheeks but of course she had to answer him.

"Can...as long as your "friend" only jumps out in front of me and in that "good mood" as it was yesterday, I can deal with that kind of assault whenever you want me to, ok?" She smiled mischievously at him.

Can laughed and then asked her with a sweet voice if she maybe had a corner in a drawer in her bedroom where he could keep his things..?
She looked at him and walked over to her favorite chest of drawers where she had her own underwear, opened the second drawer and moved a few things around and stepped back.

?She looked at him and walked over to her favorite chest of drawers where she had her own underwear, opened the second drawer and moved a few things around and stepped back

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"I hope that's enough space for your boxershorts, did you bring anything else? Socks?" she wondered and he held up 2 pairs. She pointed at the same drawer.

"What else? T shirts, trousers?"

"Just a couple of t shirts", he answered and held them out towards her. She took them and opened her big wardrobe up.

Wow, he thought when he saw it. It was huge and got lots of space inside it, both for clothes on hangers, shelves for folded clothes and again the always needed drawers.

"Do you prefer to hang them or have them folded?" She waited for him to let her know.

"I don't care, as long you allow me to be a part of your bedroom." He smiled at her and kissed her on her lips. "I almost have to go, but I do have 5 minutes for a nice çay with you, if you want to", he said and made her put his t shirts down on a shelve, folded.

"I have things to deal with today as well, so let's have some tea, quickly. Now, please do remember where we put your stuff, okey?, she said when she closed the wardrobe and walked out of the bedroom, with direction kitchen and teapot.

After the quick tea, he was putting his boots on in the hallway and then he hugged her hard, kissed her on the forehead and said

"I hate to leave you, Sanem. I miss you every second I'm not with you, don't forget that, please." He caressed her mouth with his thumb and kissed her again, in the softest and sweetest way possible.

"I'll call you later, bebek".

And then he was out of the door, he was gone and there she was, left on her own.


She got herself another tea and sat down in the kitchen. She felt so happy, but at the same time exhausted. To be in love meant to feel like this all the time? she wondered. But no. She was almost sure that the exhaustment she felt was due to how things had progressed in so short time, and in a very intense way. All these feelings between them, his jealousy and caveman manners, the hot lovemaking...she blushed a bit as she got that pounding feeling between her legs when she thought about it, about him all over her...she suddenly straightened up where she sat. His what ifs. She closed her eyes and tried to imagine herself with someone else. Kissing another man, making love to another man, having another man all over her...no way! She closed her eyes even tighter and really tried to imagine a handsome and wonderful man holding her hand, like...Zac Efron. Or Keith Powers. But no again. She only had eyes for Can, as he was the one holding her hand when she shut her eyes. She got a bit upset. Was she doubting herself because he had doubts? Come on, Sanem! she thought. Did you wait all this time for your one and only to come around, and when he did, you let him make you doubt yourself?? Pfff...no way. She got up from the kitchen stool, put the glass in the sink and went to the bathroom.
When she got in there, she could feel...what? Can's perfume, right. Mixed with her own scent, always present. She turned the lights on and saw the bottle on the basin side. She smiled and picked it up to smell it. Oh Can, she thought, it's enough with your scent to make me hot all over..! She inhaled once more and decided she had to make some space for him in the cabinet next to the mirror. She opened it and...well, well. Okey. No need to make space. She frowned when she saw his roll on, a bottle of shaving foam and razor blades, a couple of his rings she had noticed he loved to wear on his long, sexy fingers and now she put his perfume bottle there as well.

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