36. 'Uh uh' often frustrates

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She filled the kettle with water and switched it on. Then she turned around towards Can. She found him gazing at her with those eyes that always left her without air. She inhaled deeply and moved over to him.

"Don't look at me like that, please! You make me lose myself somehow, Can." She blushed when she whispered that to him. He kept quiet and got his face on her neck. She smelled so good and he caressed her neckline with his nose and mouth, back and forth for a while. Then he raised his head and got his big hands on her face.

"Sanem. I don't know what is going on in your head right now, but I do know I need to sort a few things out with you. I can't handle nor my feelings, nor what's happening at the moment, so please, we need to talk, decide and put everything in its place. You and me together." He was very determined when he said that. When he finished he exhaled some air.

"I know exactly what I want, but there are two of us, Sanem, and I need to know what we both want, tamam?" He stared into her eyes and still had her tiny face in his hands.

"Tell me, Can, what do you want, tell me, please," she pleaded to him. He took it as that she was ready to put her cards on the table, just as he was, so he kissed her briefly and went over to the sofa and sat down.

"I need some of your tea first and then we'll talk, then I'll tell you what I want, bebek," he said and gave her a nervous smile.
She smiled back at him and prepared their teas in the kitchen. She went over to him, put the teas on the table and sat down beside him.

 She went over to him, put the teas on the table and sat down beside him

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"Okey, there you have your tea, now tell me, Can." She sipped some from her glass and waited. He had a few sips as well, before he put the glass back on the table.

"Sanem, there are things I'm not sure about and things I don't know about, but what I do know is that I love you more than anything else. I can't live or exist without you, that is how I feel. It has been only 3 weeks since we first met, but they have been the best 3 weeks of my life, and I want to be with you and spend my whole life with you. I'm ready to move on, I do not want to wait, wait and wait to get engaged, I do not want to wait certain time to get married. I want to make plans for our future, you and me together, but now, straight away, there is no need to postpone anything. Today, right now, I want to make decisions. Maybe not all of them, but at least a few."

Half way through his words, he had got up from the sofa and stood in front of her, walked a few steps and then got down on his knees in front of her, still talking. He caught her eyes with his and grabbed her hands when he'd finished his words. Then he took her tea and offered it to her.

"Drink it, otherwise it will get cold, Sanem," he said and gave it to her.

She smiled at him and took the tea from his hand and sipped some. She sipped for a couple of minutes, thoughtful and in silence, before she put it back on the table. She leaned back in the sofa.

"So...what is the first thing you want to do and to decide, Can?", she asked him with wonder.

"This...I slept like shit last night and I don't want to sleep without you again, Sanem. I want us to live together. That's the first thing. From today." He watched her with caution in his eyes.
He could see how her brain was working, but she kept quiet.

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