81. Pissed off

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When Can was back with the food, he found her in her black cotton underwear only. It was Dunia who had told her that diabetics, not all but many, were more exposed to get fungal infections during the pregnancy and even in normal life, so they should wear nothing but cotton, to let the skin and vagina breathe. They had bought her plenty of it, in all colors but mostly in black. Can appreciated sexy lingerie, but...could Sanem get any sexier than this..? He thought it must be impossible. And naked...pfff, no need for sexy lingerie to get him hard in no time! It was enough with just her; her beauty, her skin and curves, her scent and silky hair, her smile and those small sounds she made when...mmm. Relax, Can. You came half an hour ago, she needs to eat and you both should have been back at the agency already, so...no more lovemaking! That's what he told himself and the 'always ready' scout in his pants, before he got over to her and placed the food on the table. She hummed when the smell reached her nostrils and she quickly got the packages out of the bag. Can helped her to get the food on the plates, got some serviettes from the kitchen and sat down beside her in the sofa. He had brought two diet cokes, which he opened up and put one in front of her. Yeah, she was hungry. He smiled at her and dug in on the ribs. He was hungry too.

"So...can we please agree on no, you won't be Mr Spaghetti Dick's model, Sanem?"

"No, we can't, Can, as we haven't even talked about it yet. I think you are just being silly with this thought about that he desires me, he just wants a model for his brand! And! I happened to be a pregnant woman, walking into the meeting room, which made him believe that Fikri...well, you know what he thought." She shrugged and had some more salad.

Can glared at her when he tried to clean the grease off his fingers. Fuck. He needed a wet wipe. The normal serviettes got stuck on the fingers. Damn rib grease..! He asked her if they had any at home, but she just smirked at him.

"Those baby wipes you mean? No, darling, I haven't got that far yet, you better wash your hands in the kitchen."

"Ok, so I'm being silly? Me and the rest of the team. Right. When we are back at the agency, we will have a word with Emre and dad, and let's see what they say, tamam Sanem? If needed, I'll make another meeting to make everybody vote yes or no to 'the cuestion'; Does that italian fucker desire my wife, yes or yes?"

 When we are back at the agency, we will have a word with Emre and dad, and let's see what they say, tamam Sanem? If needed, I'll make another meeting to make everybody vote yes or no to 'the cuestion'; Does that italian fucker desire my wife, yes...

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Sanem put the fork down, closed her eyes and sighed. Then she opened them up and gazed at him.

"Can...you are talking like a...like a schmuck! Worse, like a nine years old dorky schmuck. This is work! The agency needs this deal, and your dad...if he needs me to do this, I will, Can. I already love him like a father and I would never let him down because of his silly son, who in this case is my jealous husband and who I love with all my heart! Anyway, I do have some terms, some conditions, if they want me to accept, so yeah, let's finish lunch and get back to work."

With that she left him hanging.

"What terms, Sanem? Can you please let me know?"

She smirked at him again.

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