74. Daddy "the intruder" got kicked

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When Liza received them down in the lobby and saw them together again...she could only sigh. But when she saw how Can helped his wife to get her coat off and how beautiful Sanem was in a tight, white outfit which showed off her amazing bod...eeeh...which showed off her incredibly pregnant belly! The journalist gawked for a moment before she gathered herself and smiled widely when she reached them. She leaned in and kissed Can on his cheeks and then she swirled around and met eyes with Mrs Divit. Gosh! Could this young and pregnant woman actually get more beautiful than this..? She glowed. Yeah.

"Well, well, well...congratulations, Sanem! And you, Can, well done! I'm sorry, I...I didn't have a clue, the management...they didn't tell me! But you look absolutely stunning, Sanem, you glow!"

they didn't tell me! But you look absolutely stunning, Sanem, you glow!"

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Liza grabbed her hands and beamed at the younger woman.

"I want to know the details, come on, let's go to the studio! And no, I won't even mention this if you haven't agreed on it in the contract, don't worry! Damn them for keeping this from me! Now I must improvise and..."

Can interrupted the annoyed journalist.

"Hey, Liza, relax...you know, many times an improvised occurrance comes out much better than something that had been planned previously; we'll give you a couple of minutes to breathe and to catch up, or to scold your boss, okey?"

He blinked at her and fired off his wolf grin. She blinked back at him but kept quiet when the three of them stepped into the lift. When they arrived to the fifth floor and walked out of it, she stuck her arm under Sanem's and showed her the way to the cafeteria. She ordered them to sit down to have a drink and a snack while she went to strangle the manager, made them laugh when she rolled her eyes and made an ugly grimace before she turned around and scurried off.
She was back about ten minutes later, slightly pink in her face, maybe due to the a bit hot 'chat' with her boss, but she smiled sincerely at them when she asked for an apologize and wondered if they had got a drink. Yes? Good. Great, are we ready? Let's do this!


When they had talked about the shelter and Liza had got all the details about it, like Ed Sheeran, Will Levy, Sinan, inauguration date, the donation account...and pictures, they had passed on to their private life.

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