12. So Can got wings. And a key.

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"Oh, Can".

That was what Sanem managed to say, as her voice started to tremble . She walked into his arms and held him, just like he held her. They stood there for a while, hugging, until Sanem tiptoed and put her mouth on his collarbone and started to nibble on it with her lips. She moved towards his throat with the tip of her tongue, leaving a trace of desire. She rested her face against him, just underneath his jaw, and his beard tickled her softly on her cheek. She put her arms around his neck and pressed herself against his chest. When she heard him moan and whisper her name in a low voice, she got her mouth on his, tugged his lower lip with her teeth and met his gaze.

"Can, make love to me, please."

Can wasn't hard to convince, as he had been in a starving mode for her far too long. He growled and started to undress her. The tiny top she was wearing, and the shorts, took him 7 seconds to get rid of. No bra, just a black cotton panties left, so he kissed her breasts, got down on his knees in front of her, pulled down the panties and got his face nailed to the front of her sex. He could smell her arousement and wanted to taste her, but she stopped him and made him stand up in front of her again.
She got hold of his t-shirt and did her best to get it off. He put his arms in the air and leaned forward to make it easier for her and she dropped it on the floor. She looked at him and arched an eyebrow when she saw his yearning eyes and heard him pant. She raised her hands and put them on his cheeks and started to cherish his beard. From there she passed her fingers further on to his forehead, his eyebrows, his nose...and ended up at his lips. All of him so beautiful she thought, filled with wonder. She followed the shape of his mouth and suddenly he bit down on her. Her mouth got o-shaped until she got her bitten fingers back. She put her hands at his waist and got her mouth on his left nipple. She sucked on it until it got hard, and then she changed to the other one. This time she didn't suck, she licked it back and forth with her soft tongue. She noticed with a smile that he enjoyed it.
She moved on to his jeans, tugged its edge a bit to tease him and then passed on to his abs. She wondered if there was any chance to find a sexier man than him, when she slowly skimmed his skin with her finger tips. She walked around him to get hold of his sweet behind, but half way there he caught her and threw her up in the air. She squealed but got silenced by him, as he kissed her in a very wanting way.

"My little sexy and very naked fairy, I can't take it anymore! After this...sex diet I've been on the last 24 hours, I need to feel you and to be inside you." His breathing was harsh.
"And as these neighbours here are...well, not used to see naked women or hot and live sexscenes, I think we should get you to bed, just in case. But if it was up to me...I would take you right here."

She put her arms around his neck and tugged his bun backwards with her hands. Then she got her mouth on his throat and sucked as like she was trying to make an ugly suction mark on him. He didn't know if she was going to succeed, he didn't mind and just squeezed her tight and walked off towards the bedroom.

He put her down on the bed and she leaned over, grabbed the edge of his jeans again and opened its button zipper with a quick jerk. To her surprise there was no underwear, only his rock hard dick which jumped out of the jeans in search for her.

"Oh my", was the only thing he heard before she grabbed it and started to taste it and to make him want to come. He hissed between his teeth, got hold of her wrists to stop her and stepped on his half way down jeans to get rid of them.

"I really want to make love to you, Sanem, but I think I won't last long enough to be able to call it make love", he said when he got her on her back in the bed, with her legs separated and her sex waiting for him.

"Can, just take me", she pleaded and pulled his arms to make him fall over her.

"Please Can, I need to feel you", Sanem pleaded once again.

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