Chapter 2: Nice to Meet You - Not

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~ Mathilda POV ~

The first thing I saw - after forcing myself to open my eyes after keeping them shut during the whole apparition - were people.

Many people. Young. Old. Children. Parents.

It seemed as if half of Britain was travelling to King's Cross today. Great, one of the many things that terrified me was many people crowded in one place.

My mum held my hand tightly as we walked into the station and guided me through the crowd as I was way to busy scanning people and looking around. Gasping, my mouth slightly parted, I bluntly stared at people and the trains.

Mother told me to run through a wall (I did not think that was weird as she had explained that to me already a few days ago after doing the school supplies shopping in Diagon Alley).

Again I had my eyes closed while entering the other side of the wall. I felt like walking through air. It was a brick wall, but when walking through it it felt like air.

And then my eyes, that were wide open landed on—

A big red and black train at platform 9 3/4. Excitement and pure bliss took over and made me smile from the bottom of my heart. Yes, I was happy and I was ready for this journey!

There were children carrying brooms, owls, books, large suitcases and boxes. There were parents waving, crying, smiling, talking and waving to their children.
After loading my luggage I grabbed my owl's cage and mum and I walked to one of the doors of the train.

That was the moment I really had to surpress my tears. I did want to leave. Yes, of course. But farewell was never is. Is never easy. It always cramped my stomach and made me feel really, really sad.

"Don't you dare cry, Mathilda! If you start crying I won't be able to hold back my tears. I love you so much my little girl and you will do so great at Hogwarts. You just have to promise me, to take care of you! Promise me that!" mum told me, blinking away some tears. I assured her that I would be careful. She embraced me, pressing me to her chest so tightly that I had to fight for air.

For a minute I thought she would never let go of me and maybe board the train with me, but then she loosened her grip, kissed my cheek and told me to finally board the train or otherwise it would leave without me.

So with a heavy heart I started walking, turned back to her one more time, smiled and waved and finally really boarded the train.

Great. Now I was completely on my own.

There was only one person I knew, but what can I say, I was not that fond of him as I did not share his believes about blood supremacy and blood purity.

The said person was Bertram Aubrey. Our mothers were kind of friends and hence they thought it would be nice if we would be friends, too. I didn't think that it was nice hence why I tried to avoid him.

Cold sweat broke out on my neck and back when I slowly scuffed through the corridors of the train, internally hoping and praying to find compartment with no people in it. Dear Salazar, please hear my pleas and let me find a compartment for myself.

And there it was. Thank Salazar.

An empty compartment. Waiting for me.

Well, that's what I thought.

Suddenly I felt someone slam against me or rather slam me out of the way as I was just about to open the door to the compartment. While trying to not fall and holding onto my owl I tried to make out who had so rudely bumped into me.

"That is our compartment so better move over, thanks," said a dark-haired boy with round glasses. "So-ahm- so sorry! I had no idea, I mean how could I.... there is no - ahm - sign that says your name I mean," I stammered.

Great, not even five minutes on that train and I already find my self in a situatin like that.

My heart thumped heavily. Pressing my lips in a thin line I swallowed the sob that threatened to escape my throat. And rapidly blinking my eyes, I also forced the tears back. That was nothing. He had just run into me and behaved absolutely awful. But it was nothing I was going to cry about. I was strong. Mathilda was not weak.

It was my first day at Hogwarts and I would not let my happiness and anticipation be destroyed by an idiot who knew no rules.

"Okay, weirdo! There is no name on it, but it is our compartment which means you keep walking on and find one for yourself. That one belongs to us," said the boy, who I decided in that moment, I did not like. "Sorry, as I said I had no idea and there is really no need to talk to me so rudely!"
"Ha! And there is no need to talk to me at all," he countered and I was left utterly perplexed. "You practically slammed me out of the way and started talking to me so—"

I swallowed the fury and pressed my lips even tighter together, my fingers curling towards my palms. Bastard.

"Whatever forget it." He flashed me a weird look while I tried to collect myself and started to walk off.

He said something incomprehensible that I did not pay anymore attention to as I was again to occupied finding an empty compartment to sit in. In the distance I heard the boy shout something like "Sirius, mate, come quickly! Just had to protect our compartment from some weirdo first year. Ah Remus, Peter good to see you, too. How was—?"

Honestly, why did this have to happen? It was my first day and I just wanted things to go fine.

I carried on walking for I didn't know how long and had no idea if the first years were supposed to sit together somewhere or not. Did I forget it or had simply no one told me about it? I had no idea.

Until I had nearly reached the very end of the train, my legs feeling heavy while glancing into every compartment I was then only hoping that I would find a compartment with was filled with at least not more than two people.

And there it was. This time really. This time this compartment was really waiting for me.

A compartment with only one boy in it. He had longer, nearly white hair, his long legs stretched out on the bench. He seemed to be very occupied with a book and so I carefully knocked on the tiny door and he looked up, giving me a warm smile.

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