Chapter 44: A Map, a Wolf and Animagi

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~ Mathilda POV ~

The days until the Easter Holidays passed quickly and soon we found each other sitting in the carriages that took us back to Hosgmead Train station.

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"What do you need for a camping trip?" Britt suddenly asked while we entered our compartment. Logan was taking her on a camping trip during the Easter Holidays and she was quite nervous about it as she had never been camping before.

"A tent, I suppose," I said, flashing her an amused look. "Thank you, I would have never thought about that!" An annoyed glare followed her uttering while she turned to the others.

"That's not the question you really wanted to ask, right?" Julie suddenly questioned, raising her eyebrow. I looked at her irritated. It was not?
"Sometimes it is really scary how well you know me, Juliette," Britt mumbled, shaking her head, chuckling slowly. Emma and I still were quite confused and rather oblivious and so Emma said, "What, I don't understand anything?"

"Poor Britt here is afraid that Logan wants to sleep with her. I mean it's quite obvious since they are alone, in a tent, somewhere in the middle of nowhere," Julie taunted, snickering under her breath. Oh, that was the problem. Yeah, I was probably not going to be helpful there.

"Sorry, it just stresses me out. Not everyone is as confident and experienced as you are, Julie," Britt answered, shaking her head before quickly turning towards me.

"Have you done it? You and Sirius? No, you haven't, right? You would have probably told us right?" she whined, giving me a questioning but also hopeful look.

"Nope, we haven't. We have not been dating for that long and I am definitely not ready yet," I answered, heat creeping into my cheeks while looking outside the window. "Huh, thank god. But the problem is, I want it. I want him but I am just afraid that I do something wrong–"

"There is nothing you can do wrong, it will be good, trust me, Britt," Julie said, putting a hand on her shoulder. She was the only one who was of help in that area.

We kept on talking a a bit more about the holidays and I also told them that Sirius would be coming over since my mum invited him and the girls kept on teasing and annoying me that he will probably try out things etc. Uh, sometimes they were really unbearable. I quickly made it pretty clear that nothing was going to happen, at least not as long as I was not seventeen. 

"Tills, honestly? This is Sirius Black we are talking about? Don't you think he does not want to get into your pretty little panties and do the naughty? Only heard that through the grapevine, but apperently he already had girls going down on him in the broom closets." 

I didn't even quite know what that meant. I somehow knew what it meant, but not how it was done. What one would– what I would do. 

I swallowed hard, a deep crimson red now staining my cheeks. "Maybe he does want it, but he said it is okay if we wait. And I don't want to rush things."
"Don't you want him? Don't you want know what those slender, long fingers cou—"

I held up a hand before she could continue, stopping her. Of course I had thought about other things than kissing, but honestly my imagination was limited to what I had read in books and what Julie had told us about her relationship.

"I do somehow...maybe a bit, but–"

Nervously chewing on my lip I paused, directing my gaze towards the window again. "Still I want to wait though. Until I am really ready and until I am seventeen."

"You are such a good girl, Tills," Julie chuckled, pinching my knee.

"Yes, Sirius' good girl! Maybe that turns him on," Britt added to which her and Julie bursted into a fit of laughter, clutching their stomachs and roaring. I just rolled my eyes, my cheeks heating up even more.

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