Chapter 22: Making Unsuccessful Plans

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~ Mathilda POV ~

Over the days that followed Jesper's confession I was pondering a lot about what he had said, but I was happy with my decision. I would have been wrong to tell him that I liked him like that, too. Of course he was hurt, but I did not love him and lying to him would have hurt him way more than hitting him with the truth now.

One week before the new year started the girls and I met in Diagon Alley to do our shopping for school, but also to catch up a bit and talk without the boys (because we all know conversations are different when the boys are there). We first went to Madam Malkin and got some new pieces for our school uniform. Especially I needed a few more things, since I finally managed to grow into my body. I was never really skinny, always quite average I would say, but I gained a few pounds and suddenly I had some curves which I really liked. Now I needed a new skirt because the old one was just too tight and I also wanted to get some more blouses and tights (no idea if you can get them in this shop). After that we went to Flourish & Blotts to collect some school books, but also to look for other books and magazines that might be interesting. All of us got more books and magazines than we actually needed but isn't reading and armchair travelling into an imaginative world just one of the best things?

Britt also got herself a new broom at Quality Quidditch supplies and also invested some money in  new Quidditch clothing. After buying a new cauldron, we quickly ate and drank something and also bought some tea bags at Rosa Lee's Shop and then we went on to go buy ink and quills as well as some sweets and snacks we could bring to Hogwarts with us.

We then sat down on a bench looking at all the things we had bought and I told the girls about what Jesper and I had talked about. They did not even seem surprised and told me that they kind of already had had a feeling that he felt this way about me. They told me that it was the right decision and I should not worry about it too much and that I had done nothing wrong. I thanked them and was really relieved after this conversation. I also told them about my plan to finally get over Sirius and maybe give other boys a chance. Because I have literally ignored every single male person entering my life because I was to occupied daydreaming about Sirius. Yes, I am a fool and maybe also a bit creepy, but yeah. But I really wanted to get over this crush and finally completely cross him out of my life.

When it started getting dark we decided to go home which meant that Britt and Emma left through the Leaky Cauldron to go back to the muggle world and Julie left on her broom.

After they were gone I quickly pulled up the hood of my jumper (did hoodies already exist in the 1970s??) I walked a few steps and then turned the corner to enter into Knockturn Alley. Grandpa wasn't good enough on his feet anymore to go there and moreover mum and I decided to sell some of his dark artifacts as we were truly scared of them. We decided to only always sell one or two things so he would not notice and we could continue doing it secretly. He anyway spent most of his time bent over his cauldrons and mixing something or jotting done indecipherable things and letters.  

I nervously and also rather hesitantly set foot into Borgin & Burkes and was greeted by Burke, one of the shop owners, who gave me a weird and also kind of disgusting look. I placed two boxes on the counter and told him that I'd like to sell them. He nodded, he already knew me, so it wasn't weird for him that there was suddenly a sixteen year old girl in his shop. He closely looked at the boxes and what was inside them. He nodded again then fumbled around under the counter to get out some coins which he then put on the table. I looked at them, trying to look like I am analysing them as if I had any idea of how many galleons I would get for these boxes. Then I grabbed the money, told him good bye and left as quickly as I could. I used floo powder and soon after that arrived home and gave my mother the money.


Okay, in the next chapter it is finally time for the actual story of Sirius and Mathilda. I know it will be quite a cliche story at the beginning but I just like storylines like that. I am really curious what your reaction to their first meeting will be. Have a lovely day and all the best from me for now!! :)

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