Chapter 52: First Times*

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~ Mathilda POV ~

My eyes slowly blinked open when I was awoken by footsteps coming from downstairs. I needed some minutes to take in the room I was in. Light snoring was coming from next to me and I took a glimpse at the clock on the wall.

- 9 am -

Alright, four hours of sleep would do. I really needed to pee and so I quickly pulled Sirius' arm away from me and got up to go to the loo, obviously not before staring at my boyfriends beautiful face. Even when sleeping he looked like a god. Locks of black hair falling into his face, mouth slightly parted.

Done with my business, I decided to head downstairs to see who is walking around there. As Sirius was still heavily sleeping, I decided to not bother him and just go alone.

Once I arrived in the kitchen I saw Remus sitting at the table. And what could I say? He looked utterly destroyed and absolutely hungover. A glass of water stood untouched in front of him, his elbows rested on the table and his face was buried in his hands.

"You're alright?" I asked while walking into the kitchen to which he looked up at me, the tipsiness still very obvious in his face.

"Jup, my head's spinning a bit and I feel quite sick, but apart from that I am perfectly fine." he slurred while giving me thumbs up and smiling shyly. Then his eyes closed and he swallowed hard.

"I'll set you up a tea, huh?" I said while slightly patting his shoulder. "That would be really nice. Sirius' a lucky guy you know!" I grinned at him again, before starting to boil some water.

Suddenly there was another movement in the kitchen and Marlene dashed past me with an enormous speed right into the downstairs bathroom that was next to the kitchen. Shortly after, we heard her throwing up and Remus said, "She probably needs a tea too!" I chuckled loudly, filling up another cup.

When she tumbled out of the bathroom, looking as destroyed as Remus, I offered her a cup of tea which she gladly accepted.

"Uh, thank you. You're a gift of god, my dear," she mumbled before she sat down next to Remus, leaning her head onto his shoulder.

"I'm never going to drink again in my life. Ever!" she stated which made both Remus and I laugh. But then she looked at me with big eyes and I froze, giving her a questioning look. Did I do something wrong?

"Uh, tell me, how drunk was I? Did I say or do something that I should regret now?" she looked at me furrowing her eyebrows. I just shook my head, smiling.

I was not going to bring up Dorcas now, not when Remus was here, I would ask her another time, when it was more appropriate.

She sighed in relief, a lazy and still tipsy smile on her lips.

Minutes later Sirius finally also appeared in the door frame, only wearing his underpants and for a moment my gaze was locked on his torso. Actually his muscled torso. 

"Ah, there you are, I was afraid you already left, because we scared you away." he slurred. "No way. You're not getting rid of me so easily!" I assured him to which he smiled and started scratching his neck. "Oh, love, should I get dressed? I think you are drooling?" And with that he had earned himself a vulgar gesture and I quickly snapped my head back towards my tea cup. Marlene giggled loudly behind me.

Coming up to me, Sirius then pointed to the cup of tea in my hands, a smirk on his lips. As it was the last one I had prepared I gave it to him, he definitely needed it more than me right now. Although I could have made him pay for his previous uttering.

As the others would probably also be similarly hungover, I quickly boiled more water, so that the others could also have some tea.

I was feeling like a mum taking care of her children who had gone a little over the top the previous night.

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