Chapter 12: New Target

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~ Mathilda POV ~

Well, that might come over a bit rude now which I actually did not want. But what can I say. The Marauders have found a new target to prank. It was no longer us Hufflepuffs. For weeks there had been no pranks that included Hufflepuffs. We could walk through the corridors enjoying life and minding our business without being afraid of something falling or dripping on us.

I really was not like that. But some tiny, idiotic part of myself was incredibly happy that they had finally found a new target. Some more rational part of myself told me that that was wrong and I should not feel happy. Unfortunately, the other part - the idiotic one - was stronger. I finally could enjoy my walks through the corridors without having to be worried that out of nowhere the four mischievous boys would appear and scare the living shit out of me. Yes, they did terrify me — mostly James and Sirius.

The new target for them was no other than Severus Snape. He was in their year and quite the outsider when he was not with his fellow Slytherins. There was something that James and Sirius must have really hated about him, but I had no idea what it was. For them he was a sitting duck. They used every occasion to make his life terrible. It either was sticking something on his back, bumping into him "accidentally" which made him drop everything, magically pulling down his pants in the middle of the corridor or solely by laughing at him at any chance the could get.

I felt truly sorry for him but one day when Britt and I wanted to help him collect his things he called her a Mudblood and from that day on we stopped helping him. I still felt sorry for him because I knew his life wasn't that easy due to the simply fact of James and Sirius existing, but if that was his reaction to us helping him he was not worth our help, right?

The rest of the school year went down pretty normal. We really weren't the target of their stupid pranks anymore, now the focus was really solely on Severus and his friends. Over the school year the friendship between my girls and I grew and we were bonging over so many things. They really were the coolest, nicest, kindest and smartest friends I could have hoped for.

Concerning exams, let's say I passed them all, but I figured out that Herbology was definitely one of my favourite subjects and I also -apart from most others- really enjoyed History of Magic. I also figured out that I am not particularly good at Transfiguration, but we would see how that develops.

During the Easter Holidays we then had to decide which additional classes we would like to take in year three. There were too many choices because I was interested in nearly everything. I then made my decision for Care of Magical Creatures, Muggle Studies and Divination. Jesper and Julie chose the same things as I, while Britt and Emma went for Arithmancy instead of Divination.

My interactions with Sirius or the Maurauders were zero for the rest of the year which I honestly was really happy about. I did not want to give them a reason to prank me again. What was quite interesting to watch was James Potter's extremely obvious crush on a red-haired Gryffindor girl, who he was sometimes trailing after, while trying to make compliments which mostly ended in him making a big fool out of himself and his mates laughing about it.

One other thing that happened this school year was that I joined the Hogwarts Choir or the Frog Choir. I always enjoyed singing, but not alone. I only liked to sing in a group where not everyone would hear me. When singing alone it also did not sound good, actually really bad. It only worked when I could sing in a group.

I was looking forward to the summer holidays, just some relaxed time without school trouble.


Do you think the Marauders stopped bullying them because they were no longer interested in the Hufflepuffs? Or could it have anything to do with Sirius hearing her shouting after them?

All the best! :)

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