Chapter 85: Welcome Harry Potter

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- July 31st 1980 -

~ Mathilda POV ~

We were currently on our way over to Lily and James who had invited us for brunch. Remus, Mary, Dorcas and Marlene were on a mission in the region of North Yorkshire, while Peter again claimed to be busy. No idea what he was always doing, but he always took so long on missions.

I baked a cake for them, so Lily did not have to do any work. They moved into a small flat, just enough for the two and soon three of them. We greeted them, smiling brightly while we walked outside to the small balcony. Lily thanked me for the cake, telling me it smelled delicious and that she will probably eat the whole thing alone as she is always hungry lately. The weather had gotten better and the sun was shining.

James seemed rather tense, anticipating the birth of his child and Sirius tried to calm him down, which was rather unsuccessful. "I wonder if he might be born as a fawn. You could call him or her Bambi. Or maybe it will be centaur since you are a stag and Lily is not a deer. Or maybe—" "Sirius. Could you please shut up!" James glowered at him, while Sirius just laughed to himself. Lily and I just shook our heads at each other. Men

"Bambi is a cute name though," Sirius said, pouting and I hit his arm. "Are you going to call your child Pluto then?" James asked, smirking at us. "Would be a great idea," Sirius laughed, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and squeezing me. "No, it is not," I said, hitting my flat hand on his forehead, chuckling. 

In times like this it was so good to just joke about random things and forget the war for a short time. 

Lily kept on caressing her belly, grunting slightly and I gave her a concerned look. "Are you alright, Lily?" I asked her, placing my hand on her belly and feeling a kick. I snickered but seeing her tense face made the smile vanish from my face. I was slightly worried, she was really pale and did not look too well at the current state. "Yeah, yeah. It is fine. The baby just kicks so much and it is getting really exhausting," she breathed, a weak smile on her lips. I felt the slight kicks again and tried to look at her with a big smile, but I had a feeling she was not telling the whole truth. 

"We can also leave, if you want to rest," I suggested, being slightly worried about her condition as she looked extremely exhausted. "No no it is fine, really! Please stay." she said, smiling a bit brighter and James quickly wrapped an arm around her, kissing her head. "When is it actually due? The baby I mean?" Sirius asked, now also a worried look on his face. "In a week. Exactly today in a week," Lily breathed out leaning her back onto James and smiling at Sirius. We kept on talking a bit about her pregnancy as well as the names of the baby. James and Sirius were still convinced that it would be a boy, while Lily insisted on it being a girl.

Lily then excused herself to quickly go to the loo and I looked after her in worry. "Now worries, I will be right back," I nodded at her, and noticed James' worried expression. She did really not look good, so weak and pale. "Is she–"

Suddenly there was a scream.

We all jumped up, running inside.

There she stood. In the middle of the living room. A liquid running down her legs.

" broke," she stammered, tears forming in her eyes and my eyes got wide. "We need to rush her to a hospital. Call the ambulance or something?" I stammered, shouting at James and he just stood there in shock. "There is no hospital nearby, I will inform the midwife. We actually planned on a home birth so it is fine! I believe," he mumbled, pacing around in the leaving room. "What? You cannot be serious!" I shouted a bit louder, flashing Sirius  a warning look to not make a stupid joke. 

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