Chapter 37: Lily and Potter's Great Idea

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-later the same day-

~ Mathilda POV ~

Later that day was also a Slugclub meeting and we solely talked about the upcoming party that was held on Saturday. I was not really keen on going, knowing that I again would not have a date and talking to Slughorn for a whole evening was also not something to really look forward to.

The meeting was really short, just about 15 minutes. Lily and I left the meeting together and decided to head directly to the hall to have dinner.

"Sooo, are you asking someone to be your date for the party?" Lily said, smirking slightly at me and I just laughed, shaking my head. "Nope." I answered, popping the p. "Again, just me, myself and I. I don't really know who to ask." I said and she nodded, a sympathetic expression on her face.

We then turned around a corner and were instantly met with the four marauder boys. Lily walked straight up to James and pecked his lips while I stayed behind feeling slightly uncomfortable.

"How are you doing, love?" Sirius asked, approaching me.

What was it always about this 'love'?

"Oh, ahm pretty fine, thanks! You?" "Me too, thank you! How was the Slugclub meeting?" he asked, chuckling lowly. I noticed that Lily and James where whispering about something, looking into our direction, snickering and then going back to mumbling absolutely suspiciously.

"As usual. We just talked about his up coming party and—" "Well, since my Lily-flower just informed me that you don't have a date for this party from Slughorn," James said, turning towards us.

Okay, why do you care, Potter? And Lily flower? All righty?

"I believe Sirius would gladly go there with you. He probably is just too shy to ask you himself. Would be nice, mate wouldn't it." We both looked at him shocked, eyes wide open and I held my breath for second.

What? What is going on here?

Remus and Peter chuckled before Remus patted Sirius shoulders. "We are already heading inside the Great Hall while you arrange everything for that date," Remus said before grabbing Peter's arm and walking away. Sirius slowly turned towards me while scratching the back of his neck.

"Look, you don't have to. Really not," I stammered. "I mean it would be nice since I am pretty alone when Lily is with James and everything, but that is totally fine. So you really don't have to do this." I felt my hands getting sweaty, looking at him shyly.

"No, I think I would really like to go on that date with you. Seems like quite a nice idea that the two of them had." I still looked at him wide-eyed, mouth slightly open because I could not believe what had just happened.

We're actually going on a date. Sirius and I!

"Ahm, alright, that is really nice. The party starts at eight and...oh wait, Regulus is also in the club. Is that alright for you?"

"Perfect, then I'll pick you up from you common room at ten to eight. And yeah, I am just going to avoid him," he said, winking at me and continued, "I have to dress fancy right?" "Amazing, thanks! Ahm, yes not too fancy just a shirt and nice pants maybe, I don't know," I blabbered, flashing him a tight smile. Euphoria filled every fiber of my body and I simply couldn't think straight in that moment. 

It was just then that I realised that James and Lily had left, too and we also decided to get dinner now. When we walked in some weird and angry looks -especially from girls- were thrown towards us. Hah, that was funny, although I really hated the attention that was suddenly drawn to me.

"Well, then enjoy dinner and see you on Saturday," he mumbled in my ear, his hand smoothing down my back one time before leaving for his table where all of his friends sat grinning brightly. I grinned as well, cheeks the colour of beetroot red and sat down. I was immediately met with questioning looks.

"What have we missed. Again?" Julie said giving me a disappointed look. "I'll tell you later. I want to eat dinner first, I am really hungry!"

"What did Black want?" Jesper asked, glaring over to the Gryffindor table. He rather spit it out. "Later," I mumbled, flashing him a sympathetic smile. I did really not want to tell them now that I am going on a date with Sirius because I knew that they would freak out and cheer and whatever and I knew that this would first of all draw a lot of attention to us and secondly would be embarrassing. They just accepted it, giving me an annoyed look and then going back to dinner. I sometimes smiled over to him which he returned.

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"YOU are WHAT??!!" Julie shouted jumping up and down in our dorm room. "You are going on a date with Sirius!? Oh my goooood. Finally. Mathilda, finally!"

"Aaah, I am sooo happy for you," Britt said and also Emma said she was incredibly happy. "I honestly cannot believe it. Why would he want to go on a date with me?" I said, dramatically dropping onto my bed. "Because you are smart, kind, loyal, beautiful, amazing and so and so on," Britt beamed, falling onto the bed next to me. "And now we are going to find an outfit for you! Something that makes his eyes fall out of his head and his jaw drop," Julie said pulling me up from the bed and walking towards the wardrobe. We went trough all my clothing before Julie said, "Perfect, there it is. That's it. That's what you are going to wear." Julie had a great taste in fashion, always up to date both in the muggle and the wizarding world. She showed me the red wide-sleeved dress that my mum had got me for my last birthday.

It was really lovely and I liked it a lot, but I haven't really found an occasion to wear it, at least until now

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It was really lovely and I liked it a lot, but I haven't really found an occasion to wear it, at least until now. "Thanks for the help! I will wear that," I beamed, hugging Julie. We then started to cram all my clothes into the wardrobe which was rather unsuccessful and we had to do it a second time.

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-Gryffindor dorm room-

~ Sirius POV ~

"That was quite a genius plan you came up with, Prongs," I said, while lying down on my bed, crossing an arm behind my head and smiling up at the ceiling.

"I know, mate. You can really thank Lily and me." I grinned at him, sighing in relief. "Well, I guess I will now choose something that I am going to wear.  I quickly made my decision and opted for a dark red shirt along with some black wide-legged pants. (excluding the leather jacket on the picture)

 (excluding the leather jacket on the picture)

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I somehow see Sirius dressing very similarly to John Travolta in both Grease and Saturday Night Fever (and the films both came out at the end of the 70s, so exactly the Marauders time) :D.

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