Chapter 94: Polyjuice Potion & Petunia

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- November 1st 1981 -

"Here, let me pin pack those strands," my mother mumbled, running her hands through my greasy hair and placing a pin in them. I just sat there, staring into the distance. What should I think about? What should I believe? My mind, my soul and my heart were empty. Just pure, cold and dark pain filling the empty, hollow space. I was so empty that I couldn't even cry anymore. I had no tears left.

What should I believe?

Voldemort was gone. Dead or disappeared. I did not know. They did not tell me much. And in all honesty I did not care. Yes, he was gone. Amazing. I had lost my friends. I had lost the love of my life. I had lost my fiancé. My world. My everything.

The Aurors tried to talk me into believing that Sirius was the traitor, they failed. I would never doubt him, I would never believe them. I knew Sirius like no one else and he would not have lied to me like that. He would not have betrayed James and Lily like that. He would not have betrayed me like that. He wasn't the traitor. And I would prove that. Even if it was the last thing I would do.

"What do I have to say here today? What will they ask me? Can they send me to Azkaban?" I asked my mum, my lip trembling. "I will do everything, even if I have to give my right arm to protect you from going to Azkaban, Mathilda. But no, they won't. You had no idea. And if the ask.....maybe you should say he used the Imperius Curse on you? Maybe you should lie." I was shocked. Utterly shocked and pain spread from my heart all over my body. I quickly turned towards her, my mouth parting but no words coming out for a moment.

"No way. I am not going to lie. I am not going to lie about Sirius' innocence. He did not do anything, he is innocent and I am definitely not going to lead him on," I gasped, anger obvious in my voice and face.

"I also do believe him and you but before I let you go to Azkaban—" She cut herself off when a sob interrupted her, grabbing my shoulders tightly.

"You are my child. The most important thing in my world." I put my hands on hers and nodded slightly.

"We should go now," my mother then said and I slowly got up, waddling toward the door with weak and shaking steps, then following her outside. I brushed my hands over my skirt and smoothed out my white blouse. I looked like I was still in school wearing a school uniform.

We walked through the ministry corridors, I was locked up here over night as they did not trust me either. I kept on staring into the distance while I followed my mother to the court room. It felt like the walls of the corridor came closer and closer, my lungs squeezed and for a moment I could not breath.

My trial was held in front of the whole Wizengamot and the minister herself - Millicent Bagnold. After Sirius I was one of the main suspects now and hence they were all summoned.

"Everything is going to be fine. I am not allowed in there, but you will be fine. I love you Mathilda," my mother told me, hugging me tightly and wiping her tears in my shoulder. I love you. The last time I heard this was when Sirius said it. I love you. His voice echoed through my mind and I started playing with the ring on my finger. I nodded towards my mum and started walking in.

I stepped into the big room and was immediately ordered to sit down in the middle of the room. I had no idea how many pairs of eyes were on me. 20. 50. 100.

The light was bright again, blending my burning eyes. The light stung and I could barely look them in the eyes. I had not slept a single minute, had cried the whole night.

Minister Bagnold started the trial and I sat there, staring at her, nodding, listening, agreeing and disagreeing. Everything was a blur. The walls pressed in on me and I dozed off, my mind empty and not really picking up a single word she said. I was so empty. And it was so cold. It was so damn cold.

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