Chapter 50: When He Kissed the Teacher

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~ Mathilda POV ~

Unfortunately, the following days passed extremely quickly. All of us, spent most of our time studying and cramming in as much information as possible. Sirius and I sometimes met late at night in the broom closets but mostly he was really stressed out and exhausted.

Also another full moon happened and I -now knowing their secret- was extremely anxious and nervous that something could happen to them.

The year was coming to an end and soon their N.E.W.T.s would begin. I put a spell on a lucky clover so that it would not whither and gave it to Sirius, who happily accepted it.

Sirius, James and Peter chose 5 subjects for their N.E.W.T.s while Lily and Remus both went for 7 subjects. The exams were spread over two weeks and they started with Potions.

Sirius also chose to do DADA, Transfiguration, Charms as well as Astronomy and passed his exams with flying colours. Was I surprised about it? No. But, was I a bit jealous? Maybe. I mean he did really study for around two weeks, while others were studying for two years, and he still got an Outstanding in four of his five exams and one Exceeds Expectations. The others did amazing as well, Lily for example getting an Outstanding in five of seven chosen subjects and two Exceeds Expectations, although Transfiguration was very close to an Outstanding either.

When the exams were over and they received their grades the four boys ran through the castle corridors, shirts unbuttoned, ties hanging loosely around their necks, cheering and shouting around like little children. Sirius was giving James a piggyback ride. James nearly fell off him while all of them drank butterbeers, while running of course. Where the hell did they get those from?

Soon they were also joined by Marlene who sang and cheered at the top of her lungs.

All the other students, including me, and some professors were just standing in the halls looking at them in amusement. "I would have never thought that I would ever say that, but I am really going to miss those boys!" a voice with a Scottish accent suddenly said next to me. I turned around and looked into the smiling face of Professor McGonagall. "I agree with you professor!" I told her while grinning to which she had to chuckle.

After some while we all decided to head into the Great Hall for the end of year speech and the feast.

Again the Frog Choir performed two songs, but this time we could convince Flitwick to let us sing happier songs and he agreed. After we finished Sirius gave me a bright smile, while walking towards my table. Dumbledore then held his speech and after announcing that Gryffindor has one the House Cup, he continued:

Finally the year is coming to an end and I am
already looking forward to seeing most of you again
next year. This year we are going to say goodbye to
some incredibly talented witches and wizards, Ms Evans and Mr
Lupin, are just two examples. But also to the best Quidditch captain I
have seen in quite a long time, yes, you Mr Potter. Talent is of course not the
only thing to be honoured, also kindness and loyalty towards friends,
and two people over and over proved this loyalty. Mr Black. Mr Pettigrew.
But I am truly proud of each on of you, not only are you all incredibly
talented but also kind at heart.
I urge you to stay safe and protect those you love, these are dangerous
times and no one knows what will happen the next day.
Take care of you, enjoy your holidays and freedom and let the feast begin!

When Dumbledore finished his speech, the four Marauders as well as Lily looked incredibly proud and wore a big grin. We all started to dig into our food, chatting about the upcoming holidays.

"Well I'm going to France, with mum and dad. And then I am going to excitedly wait if my little cousin also receives a letter from Hogwarts. Would be a shame if not," Jesper said, his mouth full of bread and chicken. "We are not going on holiday, mum's job is demanding and she also said we need to save money," Emma answered with a sad smile on her face.  

"I am also not going on holiday, so you just can come over and pay me a visit whenever you want," I told her, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"And me too!" "Me too!" the girls said.  "Of course me too, you can stay for a few weeks if you want," Ian then offered, softly nudging her arm. Were they dating? Were they still friends? No one really knew. They behaved as if they were dating, but then somehow also not. Emma smiled brightly at all of us.

When we were nearly finished and ready to collect our things and had to the carriages, I suddenly saw and heard James as well as Sirius tapping their glasses, announcing that they would like to say something. They intensified the tapping until the hall went silent. The professors all looked at them either in shock or concern or both and I just mumbled a oh please don't, slightly grimacing.

When they finally had the attention of everyone, the stood up and then stepped onto their house table, Lily slightly shaking her head in disbelief.

So you all know that we are going to leave
Hogwarts today and we won't return. I know,
I know this is incredibly sad and I even see some
of you trying to hold back their tears.

Sirius started before James continued:

But we want to stay in the minds of all of you
and don't want you to forget us. And it wouldn't be
us if we hadn't planned an appropriate departure.

Ready Padfoot?

Ready Prongs.

The quickly took their wands out and suddenly explosions of lights shot out of their wands, fireworks were exploding in the Great Hall. Everywhere. Most teachers looked shocked, just Sprout, McGonagall and Dumbledore were grinning brightly. The whole Slytherin table gave them annoyed looks and our table just laughed from the bottom of our hearts.

It was amazing. Big fireworks in red and gold exploding in the Great Hall.

The Gryffindor table cheered and the boys went down from the table hugging their best mates just grinning around the hall.

When the fireworks calmed down, Filch stormed into the hall complaining that he has to clean this whole mess up. We all then were meant to head to the carriages, after grabbing our stuff.

"Was it a successful surprise?" I suddenly heard while arms wrapped around me from behind. "Absolutely, that was brilliant!" I told Sirius smiling at him. At the exit there was McGonagall waiting, to tell everyone goodbye.

When we were nearly there Sirius just started to walk faster, exactly towards her and before she could do anything, he wrapped his arms around her and placed a kiss on her cheek. Her eyes went wide and she looked completely flabbergasted. I had to hold back my laughter once I reached them. "Thanks, for everything, Minnie, I am never going to forget that," he said, pulling away from her and giving her a shy smile. "Oh, Black. Of course, you and Potter, did not always make my life too easy, but truly you are two of the best things that could happen to the Wizarding World!" she told Sirius, her lashes dampening and eyes glistening. Before, she started to cry, she quickly turned towards me and said, "Have a nice holiday, Ms Bell, and please promise me to take care of Mr Black here, so that he does not get into too much trouble." 

"I'll try my best. Thanks professor, have nice holidays too!"

Soon our ways parted as we were taking the carriages back to the train station while the 7th years were taking the boats. A nice idea, since this was where it all started.

~ 3rd person POV ~

With big smiles on their faces the Marauders would now leave the place where it all started for them. Would they ever return? No one knew in that moment what would happen in the future. But for now they were just happy. Just a group of four young adults leaving their school life behind and anticipating their future.

I am deliberating about changing the upload time? Do you prefer uploading in the morning (8am CET) or evening (8 pm CET)?

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