Chapter 61: Back to School

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◇ 7th School Year 1978/79 ◇

~ Mathilda POV ~

"Sirius, we really need to hurry, otherwise I will miss the train!" I whined while trying to push Sirius off of me, he did not show any reaction. He decided that it would be a good idea to just lie on me so that I could not leave.

"Sirius, honestly. If you don't go off of me I will kick you really hard in a body part were it really hurts."

"Alright alright, no need to get violent. I just don't want you to leave," he whined while slowly getting up and pouting.

"I also don't want to leave but I have to, so now come on!"

After getting fully dressed, checking that I really got everything packed we then stepped outside the flat and walked towards King's Cross. Sirius, the gentleman he was, obviously insisted on carrying my luggage and once we arrived at King's Cross we put all the things on a trolley and walked towards platform 9 3/4.

"You know you don't have to walk me to the train if you don't want to," I snickered, looking at him with a smile.

"But I want to," he insisted, "the more time I can spend with you, the better!"

We quickly ran through the wall, immediately being greeted with the Hogwarts Train. I still remember the very first time, I stepped onto that platform and last year when Sirius noticed me for the first time and I was so perplexed, how weird and different everything was back then. Now it would be my last time going back to school on the 1st of September. The last time.

Sirius also was quite caught in his thoughts, placing the trolley next to the train so that the luggage could be loaded, while staring into the distance absent-mindedly.

"Hey, you're alright?" I said, softly nudging his arm while we walked towards a wall to still have a few minutes for just the two of us, before I would leave.

He slowly nodded, "It's just strange being here and not going to Hogwarts. Everything started here, when I met James and finally got away from my family. And then I saw you here and it is just weird that I now leave without boarding the train." I flashed him a sympathetic smile, while he scratched the back of his neck giving me a sad smile.

"Well, whatever. You know what I am really looking forward to?" he asked, a grin appearing on his face.

"No, but I am sure you will tell me soon," I answered to which he laughed slightly.

"When we have kids that go to school, maybe in around 15 years and we come here with them for the first time and wave them goodbye when they leave!" Sirius beamed, smiling from one ear to the other and I quickly wrapped my arms around him. I again got teary eyes, I was never sure if he would want kids but hearing him say that right now made my heart flutter.

"Oh, god. I am also looking forward to that. So much! And also doing the school supplies shopping with them in Hogsmead. Uh, I love you so much and I am going to miss you sooooo badly," I whined.

Without saying anything, he put his lips on mine. First it started as a little peck before he softly pushed me a bit against the wall and intensified the kiss, slowly sliding his tongue over my lower lip. I softly pushed him away giving him a warning look.

"There are people. Parents. Children. You cannot turn this into a hot make-out session, my friend," I chuckled, playfully poking his arm.

"Not?" he asked, an innocent look on his face to which I just punched his shoulder slightly.

"Hey, I think I should really go now! The train leaves soon, so yeah," I said, hugging him again tightly. "Please promise me to take care of you and don't do anything stupid! Also write letters! Please!"

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