Chapter 23: Who Is She?

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◇ 6th School Year 1977/78 ◇

~ 3rd person POV ~

"Bye muuuum! I'm going to miss you and of course I will write to you as soon as I arrive at Hogwarts," the young Hufflepuff shouted to her mum after hugging her, slowly turning and heading for the Hogwarts Express.

Her mum was really busy these days as she had to do a lot of work for the ministry so they decided to part ways already outside of King's Cross. Her mother needed to head straight to the ministry, with a war going on everything had to be done urgently, delay was no option.

Mathilda was now walking alone to the Hogwarts Express, which felt somehow odd as it was the very first time in her life. Carefully pushing her trolley in front of her, she glanced around, watching all the nervous first years going crazy about going to Hogwarts.

It was really warm that day and so she was dressed in a light yellow dress with daisies, her favourite flowers, on it. She kept my hair open, which were still very long although her mum had cut it quite a bit. At school she would always have her hair in a ponytail or bun as she thought that to be more appropriate for school.

This was going to be a good year!

She kind of had a feeling, a good feeling. She had finally gotten over her crush on Sirius Black and Ian was single again which meant there was a chance for Emma and him. This had to be a good year.

Smiling, she strutted towards the luggage compartment, one hand holding tightly onto the trolley the other onto her owl. Gliding over the ground with confident and happy steps she had no idea she was heading directly towards the boy she thought she had gotten over.

It was their final year of Hogwarts. The Marauders's final year. The last time they would return to the place where they became the bestest of friends. The place where they became the infamous Marauders.

Currently the three boys - James, Sirius and Peter - were standing on platform 9 3/4 waiting for their fourth friend to arrive. Remus.

Or let's say Sirius and Peter were waiting for Remus who always used to be a bit late. James was not exactly waiting for Remus, he was waiting for Lily. Lily Evans.

The four boys had met up with Lily, Marlene, Mary and Dorcas many times during the holidays and he finally had gotten along quite well with her. They had had a few conversations and had found out that they see many things quite similarly. Although Lily still denied that she liked him, things have definitely changed between them. She now saw a different side of the cocky prick she had believed James Potter to be. She now saw him as kind and charming as well as...handsome.

As they were now waiting for the others to arrive, Sirius leaned against a wall wearing his famous leather jacket that he had gotten the previous year and since then had worn it basically everyday, even in winter. 'One day you will catch a cold, Pads,' James always told him, to which Sirius just laughed, telling James that he was not his mother, although that would have been a million times better than Walburga.

And of course he was smoking. A somehow nasty habit he had taken up, as he thought made him look cool and rebellious and what could he say, 'the ladies found it hot.' That saying most of the time earned him a slap from either James or Remus.

James was standing next to the oldest Black brother, looking around nervously, chewing on his lip while Peter sat on the floor, eating a sandwich, probably daydreaming while happily munching on his snack.

And then Sirius' brain stopped. Like it really stopped working. Everything turned off inside his mind and he was bluntly staring—

For Sirius it felt like he was struck by thunder. Thunder that rumbled through him like a burning fire. Walking towards their group was the most beautiful girl Sirius had ever seen

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