Chapter 49: My Dorm Room or Yours?

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~ Mathilda POV ~

The next days passed quickly and so did also the next week. Everyone was well aware of the fact that the end of year exams were coming closer and closer. I studied a lot and by a lot I mean A LOT.

When Sirius found time he helped me with Transfiguration, which was more or less successful. He really was intelligent and very talented at many things, but definitely not at explaining. For him everything seemed so easy and logical. Well, for me it didn't and he somehow he did not understand how I did not understand certain things.

That also resulted in our first tiny fight.

The tutoring ended in us both shouting at each other and running out of the Study Hall, extremely annoyed and angry, but approaching each other just an hour later, completely ashamed and also making up.

We then decided it would probably best if I get my explanations from Emma or Britt and not from him anymore as that would probably not end so well.

As I said Sirius also did not have too much time since for the first time in his life, I believed, he really spent time studying. I sometimes saw him sitting in the library with Remus or in the Study Hall with James and Lily. Peter was also always somewhere, just lying around and staring bluntly into his books. They really put a lot of effort into their work since all of them planned on becoming Aurors after Hogwarts, except for Remus. He wasn't quite sure yet if he would maybe also like to go into teaching.

Also new group projects where assigned and I was put into a group with Emma, Ian and Evan Rosier. It was a project for Potions and we had to write an essay. After collecting most of the books from the library we all then sat down in the library. I took my seat next to Evan, so that Emma could sit next to Ian.

To say the two love fools were completely useless during that project would definitely be an understatement.

The constantly 'accidentally' nudged each other and then apologised, then they kept on staring into each others eyes, laughed about inside jokes or complimented each other.

Please, just date already and participate in this fricking project so that Evan and I do not have to do everything along.

"You know you would be way better off with the other Black brother. Not with his idiotic blood traitor brother. Oh, wait I forgot you are a scumsucker, too," Evan then laughed out, fueling the fire of hate even more.

As I really wasn't in the mood to argue, I just tried to ignore him and scribbled down some notes, trying to throw a help-seeking look at Emma, who just completely blocked out the world around her.

I rolled my eyes and sighed before I felt Evan wrap his arm around my shoulder. What the bloody hell? I tried to push him away, but he just tightened his grip. "I mean it, Bell. You would do so much better among people like us," he said, giving me a smug look. I turned towards him, harshly shoving him and his arm away and glaring into his eyes.

"If you haven't noticed by now, I don't like people like you. And can we please just focus on the essay, I really want to finish it as soon as possible."

He grunted, rubbing his arm with an annoyed expression but then -thank god- also opened his book and started making notes.

After minutes sitting in silence and finally a fine amount of distance between us I suddenly saw a tiny note landing in front of me and quickly opened it.

Stop flirting with that git!
It's gross how he looks at you, should I come
over and punch him?
I want to, no need to, see you tonight.
Our broom closet, at 9 pm.

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