Chapter 72: Summer of '79

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~ Mathilda POV ~

The following weeks I mostly spent studying for the N.E.W.T.s, we all always could be found either in the library, in the dorm room or the Study Hall. Everyone was studying hard and also Logan joined us from time to time. When it was my birthday Sirius sent me a lovely letter and a little present which I was really happy about and the girls + Jesper and Ian and I celebrated a bit in the common room. Nothing too special, just us sitting together, snacking and having a good time, before we went back to studying again the following day. Regulus and I did not talk again. All of them stayed in their common room only leaving for classes where he completely avoided me.

I decided to forget that everything for a while and really concentrate on my school work, although the thoughts and what he told me never really left me. I worked really hard, making notes, revising, practicing spells and charms, going over my notes again and again, reading, mixing potions and again revising everything.

And soon enough the first exam arrived.

To say that I was extremely nervous, would probably be an understatement. The evening before my first exam, which was Potions. My mum had the same idea as Sirius and also sent me a lucky clover. I was more than grateful to have such amazing people in my life.

The potions exam went really well, both the practical and theoretical. Slughorn and I talked a bit after the practical exam and he said that if I did not mess up the theoretical one it would probably be an outstanding. I was incredibly relieved, but had no time to celebrate since the following day it was already time for Charms. It did go alright and so did History of Magic. I did not really expect a too good grade, but it should at least be positive. I had a really good feeling about Care of Magical Creatures and Herbology, but I was truly afraid about how the DADA and Transfiguration exams turned out. I actually had a good feeling writing them, but you never know.

This day we would receive our grades and I was nervously sitting in the Hall alongside my friends to finally find out what we got. Sprout handed out the pieces of parchment with the grades for our house and since I was nearly at the front of the alphabet I did not have to wait too long.

I was really surprised and happy when I got my grades, slightly cheering and smiling brightly.

Jesper, Emma and Britt got five Outstanding and 2 Exceeds Expectations and I was really happy and proud of them

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Jesper, Emma and Britt got five Outstanding and 2 Exceeds Expectations and I was really happy and proud of them. Ian got solely Acceptable on his exams, being way too occupied with Quidditch to really focus on learning but at least he has passed. Julie got a few EEs, but also mostly Acceptable since she said she couldn't care less about grades, as long as there are positive.

After that we all got ready for the feast and packed the last things to go home. We all were close to tears, packing the last pieces into our suitcases and once we walked out of our dorm room, which we had lived in for the past seven years, we all broke into tears, embracing each other into a tight hug and sobbing. I was truly so sad and not ready to leave yet. Yes, I was looking forward to school being over and finally have more time with Sirius, but on the other hand I really did not want to leave.

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