Chapter 30: Werewolf Talks

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-Friday evening before Hogsmead weekend-

~ Sirius POV ~

"Alright lads, since Prongsi here is ditching us to go on his date with Evans, can I at least count on you two to down some butterbeers with me at the Three Broomsticks tomorrow?" I asked while entering the common room and jumping on the couch across the fireplace. James shook his head at me, laughing a bit while ruffling his hair. Evans next to him blushed, also snickering to which I winked at her.

"So, still waiting for an answer? Moony? Wormy? Are you in?"

"I–I have a– I have a date," Peter shyly mumbled, looking at me. My eyes got wide. 
"You have a date?" I blurted out which earned me a punch from James who was sitting on the floor, leaning onto the couch. I mean yes, Wormy was nice and everything, but I had never seen him with girl or talk to a girl. "Oh, that's lovely and don't be rude, Black. Who is the lucky girl?" Lily asked, giving him a sincere smile after she flashed me a dead-pan.
Good Godrick, she was perfect for Prongs!

"Oh, it's, erm....Jenna. She's a sixth year Ravenclaw and she is quite pretty," he answered her, smiling shyly and blushing.

Oh, her.

She was one of those girls always annoying me by giving me heart-eyes and saying "Hello" whenever I walked past her. I really hoped she was not fooling with Peter. I mean he was quite naïv and sometimes quite childish, but being fooled with is definitely something he did not deserve. I just gave him a smile and nodded while the others congratulated him on this date.

I then grabbed a pillow and threw it over to one of the armchairs next to the fireplace. It hit Remus' book which was consequently directly thrown into his face and he grimaced and groaned, "Blimey, Sirius, you idiot!" 

"Oh, sorry, Moony," I apologised, holding back a chuckle. "Are you at least going to Hogsmead with me?"

"Yes, Sirius, don't worry you don't have to go alone. I'm in. And that really hurt my nose by the way!" he said giving me a stern look to which I just grinned. "Oh, do you want me to give you a kiss on your nose?" I said before bursting into laughter. Remus just rolled his eyes before going back to reading.

Some minutes later Dorcas and Marlene walked into the common room and also sat down with us. "You guys are joining Moony and I in Hogsmead tomorrow?" "Of, course!" both said while cheering a bit.
At least the day was not going to be too bad!

When we went back to the dorm rooms Prongs walked around the room for hours deliberating over which outfit he should wear, where he should take Evans, what they will talk about and if he should get her some flowers before they leave. We told him that Sprout would probably not be too happy if he stole some flowers from her since outside there was already snow and no more flowers.

-Hogsmead Day-

~ Mathilda POV ~

"Alright ladies, how do I look?" Britt asked while twirling around in the dorm room showing us her outfit which consisted of red wide-legged trousers and a red, orange and blue striped blouse.

"Absolutely beautiful"



"Thank youuu. You really mean it?" she said giving us a concerned look. "Yes, you really look amazing, Britt," Julie reassured her. Britt just grinned and told us that she will leave now to meet him. Britt got asked on a date by a Logan, the Ravenclaw Keeper form our year. I was really happy for her since I knew that she liked him a lot, even though she would not admit it.

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