Chapter 32: A Ravenclaw Tie?

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-Monday after Hogsmead-

~ Mathilda POV ~

The whole day was rather uneventful so far, just a lot of school work which we did not finish because of Hosgmead and other things. I was currently sitting in the dorm room with Emma behind me braiding my hair while I painted my nails. "I just absolutely love your hair, Tills, but they are endlessly loooong!" "Stop complaining, you wanted to braid them," I mumbled, chuckling.

"Okay, change of plan. I'll try something else," she said, brushing through my hair, while I ground my teeth together, since it wasn't really soft what she was doing to my poor head. She then started to just braid a few strands, while humming slightly. "I wonder what Britt and Logan are doing right now?" she then asked. I chuckled slightly while shrugging my shoulders. "Hopefully nothing she later regrets," I whispered, snickering a bit. "As long as she does not get pregnant from it, there is nothing to regret," Julie laughed, lying on her bed and writing a letter to Jordan. 

Right. Again my imagination was a bit limited concerning those things. But one could use protection although I only knew of one thing which was....I did not know actually.

When it was finally time for dinner we made our way out of the dorms with grumbling tummies and headed towards the hall. Or, let's say Emma, Julie and I. Britt still hasn't shown up and we just guessed that she either would show up later or fully ditch dinner.
No idea where they went and what they were doing, probably not homework.
When we entered the hall Bertram made some mean comments about us or let's say me, calling me a disgraceful dunglicker and I just glared at him.

What was the deal with him? I thought he once wanted to be friends with me?

Julie just laughed next to me, saying, "I bet he has a crush on you and is just annoyed that you won't requite his feelings." Emma bursted into laughter while I just made a disgusted face, pretending having to throw up. "I would rather go bathing into the Great Lake before dating him," I said, shaking my head.

We soon reached our table and took our seats. Ian and Jesper were currently heatedly discussing if Hippogryphs are dangerous or actually nice creatures and I just had to laugh. How could the always argue about so unimportant things?

Julie talked about the letter she received from Jordan earlier that day. It was an extremely long love letter which he even sprayed with his cologne. He really seemed like a good guy. Julie practically melted away telling us about the letter and smiled brightly. I smiled back, slightly shifting my look past her head to look into the face of no other than Sirius. He looked over at our table and winked. Holy Helga. I smiled at him, giving him a kind of questioning look to which he just shrugged his shoulders, grinning brightly.

He confused me so much. He always was so confident, so if he really liked me he would make a move. Wouldn't he?

I was once again ripped out of my thoughts by Ian. "Where actually is Britt? I thought the four of you are practically glued together?" Ian gave us a questioning look. "Haha, you are really funny, Fuller. Mhm, she met with Logan earlier and has not yet - oh - there she is and is that—?" Julie made a dramatic pause to which we turned around to look at who was just walking into the hall and all of us started laughing.

"A Ravenclaw tie?" Julie finished on the verge of laughing.

"Blimey, you could at least have told us that you transferred to Ravenclaw. No need to make a secret out of it and then reveal it just like that!" Jesper shouted to her to which she just gave him a confused look. Emma and I bursted into laughter. "I have literally no idea what you are talking about and why you are laughing like crazy hens," she said sternly, taking a seat on the right side of me. "You are wearing a Ravenclaw tie and as far as I remember for the past six years you have been in Hufflepuff," I said, making a funny face at her.

Britt's eyes suddenly went big and she gave me a shocked look while starting to blush like crazy. "Oh, bloody hell, that is embarrassing!" she exclaimed. "So, broom closet with the Keeper guy, I guess?" Jesper asked, smirking at her to which I elbowed him. I still had to snicker while reassuring Britt that she does not have to be embarrassed.

"Oh, my god! This is literally brilliant. Who would have thought that our pure and innocent Britt hooks up in broom closets?" Julie suddenly blurted out between laughs. Oh, shit poor Britt. She was really feeling uncomfortable and just gave Julie an annoyed look. I shook my head at Julie smiling slightly while Britt just covered her face in her hands. She then tried to take the tie off of her which was rather unsuccessful.

"Need help with that?" a deep voice behind us suddenly said.

I turned around and looked at the tall figure standing behind me.

"No, thanks. I think you have already done enough," Britt said, pressing her lips together. "Sorry, love. I think we got something mixed up and now let me help!" He suddenly put his hands on the tie, loosened it and pulled it over her head to which she just kept on blushing more. We all tried to hide a laughter and I once again made eye contact with Sirius who gave me his oh, so famous smirk before it turned into a grin. I shook my head at him while laughing to which Julie gave me a confused look before focusing back on Britt.

"Alrighty, Logan, by the way," he introduced himself to us and we all greeted him. He then gave Britt a kiss on the cheek, put her Hufflepuff tie on the table and said, "Well, see you tomorrow, love." Britt smiled shyly, looking at him while he made his way back to the Ravenclaw table. It was then that we all bursted into laughter, but this time also Britt - with still bright pink cheeks - joined the laughter. They were really cute together and he seemed like a really nice guy.

After we finished dinner we walked back to the dorms. Emma and I were walking behind the others talking about Logan. Emma was talking extra loudly about how hot and fine she thinks the other Ravenclaw Quidditch players are, in hope that Ian might get jealous and he really turned around once, giving her an annoyed look.

Well, hello what was that?

I was listening to her talk when I suddenly felt a presence behind me and then the hair that hung over my ear moved slightly.

Being so shocked about what happened I did nothing until I heard a husky voice extremely close to my ear say, "You know I would have nothing against swapping my tie with yours in one of those broom closets, love!" Goosebumps broke out all over my body, and I felt heat erupt in my belly and in a very, very odd place of my body.  I did not even have to look up to know who it was. Emma didn't notice anything and I quickly spun around only to be met with those wonderful grey eyes and that smirk again. I gave him a shocked look, gaping and staring.

What the bloody hell was that?

He just started grinning and Emma suddenly also turned around, giving us a questioning look. "Sleep tight and dream something nice, love," Sirius simply said before winking and turning around to head towards their dorms. "Ahm, thanks. You too," I stammered, probably inaudible because I was so very irritated. 

So he did want something from me? But was it something more than just a casual hook up?

When I told the girls later about this incident they just all bursted into laughter. "Blimey, what kind of crazy day is that, oh my god?" Julie commented and we all agreed. "But anyways, I really get the feeling that he has crush on you, Tills!" Emma said and the others supported her. I didn't know. For the past years I wanted this so badly, but now he left me utterly confused.

But what if he didn't mean it? I couldn't sleep half of the night, very far away from nice dreams, because I constantly had to think about this stupid incident

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