Chapter 47: Great Lake Talks

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~ Mathilda POV ~

It would be a lie to say that everything in the Wizarding World felt normal. Things got more tense, wizards and witches who you have known for your whole life decided to join the dark side and people kept on disappearing. We were all happy to return to Hogwarts. A little escape from what was happening outside, although it was extremely hard for my muggleborn friends to leave behind there families. They did not know what would happen to them, but repeatedly told their loved ones to stay safe and take care of themselves.

When we arrived at Hogsmead things also seemed to have changed. At the train station there were now Aurors waiting to guide us to the carriages. I just looked around extremely frightened before Sirius grabbed my hand and pulled me with him.

After all holidays the Frog Choir was meant to perform a song before the feast starts and so also this time. Normally the songs were happy and should cheer people up, but Professor Flitwick has exchanged them with some darker songs ‚to fit the time'. Also many people decided to leave the choir, so we were only 10 people left, standing in front of the school, the heavy rain pouring outside of the hall. Then the song started and the hall, that before consisted of mumbling and rambling students suddenly went silent.

"Carry my soul into the night
May the stars guide my way.
I glory in the sight
As darkness takes the day.
Ferte in noctem animam meam
Illustre stelle viam meam.
Aspectu illo glorior
Dumb capit nox diem.
Cantate vitae canticum
Sine dolore acte
Dicite eis quos amabam
Numquam obliviscar
Sing a song, a song of life
Made without regret
Tell the ones, the ones I loved
I never will forget
I never will forget"

(In noctem, Nicholas Hooper)

The already extremely gloomy vibe was then followed by an even more gloomy speech from Dumbledore, including telling us to be careful who we trust and what we do.

Some people sat there in agony anticipating the end of this dreadful speech and to just be able to escape to their dorm rooms, to finally be able to think about other things than the war.

The following weeks also all were rather gloomy, it was still raining cats and dogs outside and people started to study heavily for their O.W.L.s, N.E.W.T.s or other exams.

I was really happy when suddenly the sun came out one day and the grass started to dry; the days finally got warmer. This meant that we were finally able to go out again and study next to the Great Lake or just relax in the sun.

It was one of those days when I found a note of Sirius in one of my cloak pockets.

Meet me at the Great Lake today.
5 pm, I'll bring a blanket!
- Love, S

I was really looking forward to this, since first of all it would mean being able to finally spend sometime in the fresh air and secondly with Sirius.

After school finished I quickly put all my school stuff away, told the girls where I was going and headed towards the Great Lake.

Sirius was already there, lying on his back, his eyes closed and one arm behind his head. I wanted to take this opportunity to scare him a bit and so I very calmly tried to approach him. Once I was directly behind him I suddenly and loudly said "BOOH!" to which his eyes shot open and he jumped a bit.

"Are you mad!?" he blurted out. I bursted into a fit of giggles .

"I am so sorry–not," I exclaimed before my arms were grabbed by his hands and he dragged me down to him, so that I somehow laid on him, still giggling.

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