Chapter 73: Move In With Me*

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~ Mathilda POV ~

The dinner was lovely and once it was over Andrew and Sirius again decided to spend time with his motorcycle, claiming they did not have enough time since I arrived. They left with my grandfather and so I finally had time to talk to mum.

"Um, mum can I maybe ask you something?" I said while sitting down next to her on the couch.

"Are you going to ask me if you can move in with Sirius?" she said, a small smile plastered on her face.

I looked at here with wide eyes and my mouth slightly open.

"You would have told me if you were a legilimence, right?" I blurted out to which roared a laugh, "Yes, I totally would have."

"But yes, you are right mum. Not like completely, just have a few things there and spending more time at his place, but still keeping my room here and also spending time here. I don't fully want to move away," I said and she put her hands on mine. "I would never say no. I see how much you love him and how much he loves you. But I would really be happy if you still spend some time here," she said, smiling and kissing my cheek. "Absolutely. I would never move away completely. Not yet at least," I assured her and she told me that Andrew might move in so she would be fine, although she would miss me incredibly much.

"But promise me one thing. Do not rush things. I got pregnant when I was 19, Mathilda. This was very young and although you are the best thing that could have ever happened to me in my life, I still was very young. Wait a bit. I do trust Sirius, that he won't make the same mistake as your father did, but still please wait! It can happen so fast."

I assured her over and over again that I won't have a child too soon. I was not at all ready for a child and did really not plan on having one too soon. Before she could start giving me tips on how to prevent getting pregnant I quickly changed the topic and we talked a bit about the Aurors and how things were going here.

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Sirius was more than happy about my mother's answer, but then he had to go through the whole talk about my father and how to avoid getting me pregnant. He just sat there constantly nodding at what my mum told him, cheeks bright pink and slightly picking on his nails. My mum did not have a problem talking about such things, but I felt kind of sorry for Sirius having to have this kind of talk with his mother-in-law. I had to interrupt them before Sirius would feel too uncomfortable and said that I wanted to go to bed. Sirius was obviously relieved.
Before, we went into my room I heard my mum shout, "Remember to not rush things!" Moments later her and Andrew bursted into loud laughter.

Ugh, muuum!

Sirius' shoulders shook with silent laughter when pushing me onto the bed and starting to make out with me. It stayed with making out, nothing more and we soon fell asleep in each others arms.

The following days we mostly spent packing and bringing things to Sirius' place. I often went alone or with my mum since Sirius had to go on order mission. In the mean time Andrew brought his things to our place, while I also had to make sure he did not put any of my things away or in places where I would not find them anymore.

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Today I was finally done. Everything was at his place and I was soo happy. After a heartbreaking goodbye with my mother and also Andrew I then left for Sirius' place, who immediately wrapped me into his arms and lifting me from the ground.

"Finally I have you with me. Everyday. Every minute. And I can hug you, kiss you and make love to you whenever I want," he beamed before placing a kiss to my neck. I hugged him tightly, snuggling my face into his chest. His scent once again made the butterflies explode and my heart flutter.

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