Chapter 7: Mischievous Toffee

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~ 3rd person POV ~

"Trust me that plan is brilliant! And absolutely bullet proof. But definitely and undoubtedly brilliant!" James declared, standing in front of his three best friends and grinning from ear to ear. "Come on, guys, the Hufflepuffs are actually begging to get pranked by none other than us. They are sitting ducks and we are going to make their boring lives so much more interesting." 

"Don't look at me like that, you know I am already in on your ideas. And when it comes to pranking you can always count on me. Can't what to see their pitiful faces. Peter too. Only Lupin here needs some convincing, right, buddy?" Sirius grinned, winking at James and giving Remus a questioning look. 

"If I just have to follow you and don't actually have to participate in that stupid -ouch- no need to hit me James, I mean that undoubtedly brilliant prank, I'm in." The other boys nodded, grinning wickedly and got up to collect everything they needed for their undoubtedly brilliant plan.

~ Mathilda POV ~

Jesper and I were currently walking back from the Owlery to our common room,  freezing and our bodies shivering. It was now the end of November, the days had gotten shorter. 

The air smelled absolutely lovely like winter which was something I adored. One could hear the cold, harsh evening wind, hitting tree branches and leaves were falling to the ground. After dinner I had wanted to quickly send a letter to my mother as I did not have time before and Jesper had offered to walk with me as he also had to send a letter to his family.

So as I said, as we were walking back to the dorms there was suddenly a toffee on the floor which seemed pretty odd to me. What would a toffee do right in the middle of the corridor? Jesper probably did no think too much about it and reached his hand towards it and before I could stop him from grabbing it ...... it was too late

The mischievous sweet had barely touched his hand when I felt a cold liquid hit my head. When I opened my eyes I saw some slime-like, green and disgustingly smelling liquid running down my whole body and also Jesper's as he stood right next to me. The liquid was viscous and slowly tickled down my face and nearly into my mouth.

"Bloody hell. What? Who? Ha?" Jesper stammered.

Anger coated my insides when my gaze shot towards the group of boys. 

And that was when I saw him.
Or rather them.
There they stood. 

Actually it was burning fury, that made me want to punch each one of them right into the face, that now slowly made its way to the surface.  But no, no, I was no violent being. Swallowing a curse and a groan, I squeezed my eyes shut for a second.

The group of boys was bursting into laughter that filled the empty and otherwise silent corridors. Their laughter bounced off the walls and I balled my hands into fists, growling under my breath.

Completely drenched in this green disgusting liquid I kept glowering at the group of four boys. Right in the front of the group was the mean boy that I had made this very unpleasant encounter on the train with. Next to him stood a guy, same height as the rude one, but he had shoulder length curly black hair and was wearing the biggest grin I had ever seen in my life. His face shone with mischief and he reminded me a lot of Regulus Black.

The two of them were joined by a stout boy with blond hair who was at least a head smaller than the other two laughing at the top of his lungs. Some metres behind them stood another boy. He also had blondish hair and was trying to hold back his laughter. I just stared at them blankly, unable to move. My feet were rooted to the ground, and tears slowly started to burn behind my eyes. I wanted to cry and at the same time I wanted to punch so really, really into their face for laughing so stupidly and mockingly at us. Why would they do this? They didn't even know us. I decided that from that moment on I did not like the four of them and would try to avoid them for the rest of my life. 

Of course I wanted to tell them what I was thinking, scream at them, punch them. But what did I do? I did nothing. Jesper stood next to me having the same expression as me and also not moving. I grabbed his arm and dragged him away to the common room. I just wanted to get away form their laughter that still filled the corridors and their stupid grin.

"I am sorry. I shouldn't h—" "Don't worry. These are some stupid boys and we fell into their trap. It's not your fault. It is only their fault. Idiots." I assured Jesper, patting his shoulder.

After getting back to the dorms I explained to the girls what had happened and they all felt really sorry for us, helping me clean off some of the slime. I then took a long shower, still seeing their awful and stupid grins in front of my eyes. 

After that I just wanted to sleep.

~ 3rd person POV ~

"I told you that that that plan is brilliant!" James cheered, in between laughs. Sirius thought it was so funny that he was rolling around on the floor, laughing, next to Peter who stood against a wall, laughing. 

"Have you seen the girl's face? We probably are her worst nightmare from now on," Sirius hollered, clutching his stomach. Tears had built up in his eyes, remembering the two in slime coated people.

Only Remus was just smiling. He felt sorry for the two Hufflepuff first years, but he also did not want to disappoint his friends and so he finally joined their laughter (more faking it than really meaning it).

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