Chapter 68: A Warning?

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~ Mathilda POV ~

"Keep running, ladies! We cannot be late again!" Julie shouted to us, panting heavily while running through the corridors to the DADA classroom. We were running at full speed nearly tripping over our own feet, slamming against walls and ralings, pushing people out of the way and storming towards the room. Strands of hair clutching to my face and breathing heavily I could already spot the oh so familar classroom.

Why were we late?

Well, both Emma and I had gotten our period this morning and Julie couldn't find her second shoe, so after having done our business and searching for Julie's shoe, we gathered all our things, slightly grumpy and with pain in our abdomens and were then of course late for breakfast. This consequently lead to us being generally later, but at least Julie had found her shoe again.

So well, now we were running. Mrs Stringer wasn't probably there yet we still had a minute and the door was still open. I panted heavily when I entered the classroom and immediately groaned when I reached my table at the back of the room.


The foul beetle sat in my chair, heatedly discussing something with Regulus but I couldn't make out what they were talking about. I stopped behind Bertram and coughed audibly, signalling him to get up.

"Oi Bell, pleasure. What do you want from me, beautiful?" he asked turning towards me, a smirk on his face. My face went grim and I glared at him, "You to leave my chair!" I bluntly answered, my face cold and bored. He chuckled loudly, tilting his head sideways.

"Where is the please? Oh, and by the way you can also just sit on my lap? Maybe I can make up for time you missed with your boyfriend," he smirked and I wanted to vomit.

"You are gross, now please get up and leave my place!" I ordered him, angrily while pulling on my chair.

"Maybe the Head Girl has to teach me a lesson for being mean? Maybe after school in my dorm room? Or should I come to yours?" He kept on smirking, eyeing me up and down. Regulus looked like he wanted disappear into thin air.

"Get up, asshole! Now!" I growled, louder. He huffed and stomped his feet on the ground before slowly getting up. Regulus looked at the ground, avoiding eye contact and slowly shook his head.

When Bertram passed me he quickly stopped and leaned in, grabbing my wrist tightly, "I know you want me as much as I want you! Just to shy to admit it, Bell," he mumbled, a sultry tone lacing his voice. I pushed him away harshly, glowering.

"You are a disgusting and awful git, get away before I hex you!" I growled and his smirk just grew.

"Detention, Ms Bell, for insulting your classmate. Come to my office at  five pm today!" Mrs Stringer shouted, scowling at me. It was just detention, she had to stop torturing us.
I mumbled a Sorry and Alright before letting myself fall onto the chair next to Regulus.

"Why are you friends with someone like him," I mumbled to Regulus and he just shook his head, a cold chuckle escaping his mouth. "I mean it! Why are you friends with him?"

I lookef at him with big eyes, forcing him to make eye contact. "He is not only bad, he really is a good friend," he stated bluntly and now I shook my head. He was hopeless, there was no way for me to properly talk to him, to convince him to change sides, he just wouldn't let me in.

I glanced through the room when Mrs Stringer started the lesson and immediately had to smile when I spotted Mason and Jesper. God, they were so cute but Mason seemed completely oblivious, not getting the signals while Jesper just stared at him, his face, his cheeks, his lips and that for minutes. Mason jotted things down on his parchment and I wanted to stand up and hit him on the head. But no, I would not get involved, they should do this themselves, take their time to figure everything out.

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