Chapter 25: Don't Make a Fool of Yourself, Potter!

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~ 3rd person POV ~

The following day James was already out of bed very early in the morning. He went to the Hogwarts grounds, feeling a mixture of warm autumnal sun and a cold breeze of wind hit his skin. His plan was simple. He wanted to collect a bunch of flowers for Lily to give them to her before breakfast. He was in love with her and he has been for a long time and now his feelings got somehow requited so he had to use every chance he got to make this work. He wasn't really sure which ones to pick and in addition there were not so many flowers left in early autumn so he just collected whatever he saw.

 When the other boys woke up they noticed the absence of their friend, but thought he might just have gone for a run or even practicing some Quidditch as he used to do this many times before. 

Sirius quickly got up and spent quite a long time in the bathroom fixing his hair and deciding how to wear his shirt and tie. He wanted to look good (he always looked good) but today it was different. Maybe he would see her again? Maybe he even got a chance to talk to her again and this time in maybe a more charming way? 

While looking in the mirror and thinking about the day his thoughts were suddenly disturbed by an angry Remus, knocking on the door. "Mate, we all know that you're the beauty queen of Hogwarts, but do you mind speeding up a bit? There are other people who want to you use the bathroom, too!" 

"Wow, Moony. Funny as always. Is it close to the full moon or are you just on your period?" Sirius countered, rolling his eyes at his mate after opening the door and shoving his shoulder slightly. Remus just laughed, deep and genuine and went into the bathroom. 

"Hey, Peter. Wake up!" Sirius went up to Peter who was still sleeping. "We are going to be late for breakfast if you don't get up now." Peter yawned, covering his face with the sheets until Sirius pulled them off of him and gave him a warning look. 

"Up, now!" 

Peter slowly got up and collected his things to which Sirius just chuckled. Normally it was James who woke Peter up. Peter never heard the alarm clock go off as he was always sleeping extremely deeply. When will this boy finally grow up? Sirius thought to himself while looking amused at Peter who stood in the middle of the room trying to find his pants and wearing two differently coloured socks. "Where is Prongs actually? If he went out to do sports, shouldn't he be back by now to at least take a shower before school starts?" Remus asked, stepping into the dorm room. Sirius just mumbled "no idea, mate" while trying to quickly jot some things for the Transfiguration homework. Minerva liked the boys, they were definitely her favourite students even though the constantly ground her gears. Sirius never really did do his homework, but he did not want to get on Minnie's bad side so he at least tried to pretend to have put some effort in it. When he was finished they then decided to to just walk down to breakfast without James. He would probably just join them later.

When they entered the hall Sirius heard a few girls say "Hey, Sirius". They looked at him dreamily and in utter admiration. He did not pay them any attention and just ignored them, hoping to see a certain someone. Who he then saw. Great, he thought to himself when he saw her sitting with her friends, that stupid idiot with the curly blond hair, having  his arm wrapped around her shoulder. She was talking, smiling and looking at that idiot with her big, beautiful eyes.

Maybe he really was her boyfriend and they maybe just did not kiss in public? 

But then she pushed the arm away, poked his shoulder slightly and jumped up. She quickly grabbed her robe, turned to her friends. "Again, got the wrong book. I need Potions, but grabbed the book for Transfiguration. What is wrong with my head?" she shouted before she facepalmed herself slightly and started to walk, quickly. 

It was the exact same time when Sirius and the other two passed the Hufflepuf house table. When she passed Sirius she gave him a shy smile and immediately looked at the floor again, now starting to run. Did he imagine that? Or did she just really smile at him? Sirius couldn't hide his smile and was thankful that no one seemed to have noticed.

They then sat down next to Lily and Marlene who included them in their conversations. Suddenly Lily's eyes got wide and the boys were confused for a second until they turned around. 

There he was.

James having bright red cheeks and caring a weirdly looking bouquet consisting of all kinds of flowers, grasses and weeds. Sirius had to hold back his laughter to which he earned himself a slap on the back of his neck from Remus. 

"They are for you, Lily!" he said, holding the bouquet in front of Lily's face. Many people were looking at them and Lily blushed like a fool. 

"There is more grass and weeds in that bouquet than flowers. Don't make a fool of yourself, Potter!" Marlene suddenly blurted out which also made Sirius crack up. Stupid idiots! James thought to himself, looking at the floor ashamed. 

"Don't. Don't be rude, Marlene. And you don't worry. I love it. It is nice. So unique," Lily finally hummed, accepting the flowers and giving James a smile who smiled back at her.

Sirius and Marlene still laughed slightly. They were just too similar. One time the female and one time the male version of the same person somehow. A good heart and loyal as well as ambitious, but sometimes just very immature and impulsive. That was probably also the reason they only worked out as best friends and not as lovers. They hooked up many times during their sixth year, but decided to rather stay friends because a relationship between them was just something they both could not imagine. Remus slightly smirked at James and let an amused chuckled escape his throat. He sometimes studied in the library with Lily and he had a feeling that she liked James back, she was just too stubborn to admit it.

At the other side of the of the hall Severus suddenly jumped to his feet storming out of the hall. 

Or at least tried to storm out of the hall when he was suddenly stopped by crashing into a tiny Hufflepuff girl. 


She tumbled a bit until he grabbed her by her arm. How dare Snivellus touch her?!  Sirius thought to himself.  He was watching the scene. Of course he was watching again. He always kept an eye on the door to see if she would return. He saw her patting Severus' arm and saying something to him before giving him a smile and walking into the hall. Could she please not smile at this idiot?  When she arrived at the table she smiled brightly holding up her book and cheering slightly to which she earned some laughter from her friends. Oh, that smile. It melted Sirius' heart who just thought What the hell is happening to me? And what the hell is she doing to me?

He drew his gaze back to Marlene to talk to her to get her of his mind, since she already had a little bit too much control over his thoughts. He thought of himself to be quite a creep by constantly staring at her or thinking of her.


What do you think of Sirius' behaviour? Is he just in love or is it really getting a bit creepy?

Hope you have a wonderful day! :)

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