Chapter 24: What are you looking for, Pads?

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~ Mathilda POV ~

"Heyy!" I exclaimed, smiling while entering our compartment and was immediately pulled into a hug by the girls. Ian walked on to meet the boys and the girls and I started immediately starting talking about him and the past few days of our holidays.

We unpacked a few of the sweets we got last week and talked about many things not even noticing that the train already started moving. We made plans how to set up Emma and Ian since he was single now and we had to take our chance. Emma still fancied him the same way she did all those years ago and we really wanted this for her to work out. After deliberating over every detail of the plan Julie suddenly said "I have to tell you something guys!" to which we looked at her expectantly. "Well I told you about Jordan, right? We are officially dating now and—"

She started blushing and tried to avoid our gazes to which I had to snicker. What was she trying to say?

Well, what she told us was that she had lost her virginity to him. We were quite surprised since they had only met at the beginning of summer, but we were happy for her. She seemed so happy to be with him, pure bliss lacing her features. Jordan was a muggle boy who she had met while spending time with her mum who lived in the Muggle world. He a bit older than us and already had his drivers license. But he seemed alright from what Julie told us about him. As long as he treated her right and did not break her heart he was considered alright.

We went on talking about this and that and I also told them about my strange encounter with Sirius to which they had to laugh. "Oooh, maybe he has a crush on you?!" said Britt while clutching her stomach and grinning at me. I also had to laugh. "Yes, very certainly," I mumbled, shaking my head.

~ 3rd person POV ~

All students tried to push through the door to enter the Great Hall. Trailing after the group there were the four boys, laughing about the excited second years who were over the moon to be back. James tried to catch up with Lily and make conversation with her, while Remus and Peter talked about dragons. Sirius scanned the crowd to find a certain someone. The problem was, she was really tiny and probably blended in perfectly with all the other tiny people he was currently surrounded by. They all took their seats talking about the new school year and Marlene shared a few things about what she has done during her summer holidays, the others listening cautiously and laughing from time to time.

After the sorting was done the Frog Choir was positioning themselves in front of the teachers table. That was when he saw her again, he never really paid much attention to the choir as he believed the songs they performed were quite horrible and people taking part in the choir were weird guys, but he now he might change his mind. Suddenly he was very interested in the choir. While the choir was waiting for Flitwick to appear so they can start singing, Sirius looked at the girl. He was amused since she was currently laughing and making awkward dance moves while pointing towards what supposedly were her friends. He had to smirk a little bit when he suddenly felt a slap on his head.

"What the hell, mate?!" he exclaimed. "What the hell back?! What are you looking for, Pads? I have said your name for the past five minutes and you just ignored me!" James snarled, giving his best friend a questioning look. Was Sirius going to tell him? No, definitely not. Sirius had mocked James for the past four years for his crush on Lily Evans and told him many times how much of fool he made of himself. He could not now fall into the same trap that is called love.

The one occasion back in year six where he had asked Lily to talk to James had happened only because he owed James something. Otherwise he would always mock him for letting a woman have so much control over his life. Sirius always wanted to stay independent, rebellious and definitely not bound to one person. Well, things would probably change for him now. Sirius turned to James and just mumbled something about thinking about Transfiguration, shaking his head.

Suddenly the choir started singing and he again was mesmerised by the Hufflepuff girl, his lips slightly parting when he took in Fuck him, she was gorgeous.

What really bothered him that most in that moment was that she was in Hufflepuff. Come on. Why couldn't it at least be a girl from Gryffindor that caught his attention to such an extent? But no, it had to be this cute, adorable, stunning and innocent-looking Hufflepuff girl who he had no idea how to approach since their first encounter (or what he believed was their first encounter) went pretty badly.

He kept on looking and day-dreaming until the choir stopped and he watched her make her way back to her house table where she took a seat next to a guy with curly blond hair, who he remembered to be on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team. She beamed at him and patted his shoulder to which he gave her a smile back. Wait so that guy at 9 3/4 wasn't her boyfriend but maybe he was? But she would have probably kissed him if he was her boyfriend? These were just two of the many thoughts right now rushing through Sirius mind.

"Honestly, mate, what is going on with you today?" James laughed at him, a smirk on his lips. "You constantly space out and your mind wanders off to somewhere."

"Hm, yeah, I don't know I'm probably just tired." "Tired? From doing what? Sleeping and doing nothing?" Remus said, laughing at Sirius to what Sirius gave his mate a a vulgar gesture. Peter laughed loudly. "I mean Moony here isn't wrong." "Oh, fuck off, you idiots!" Sirius exclaimed, brows furrowed.

It was finally time for Dumbledore to hold his beginning of term speech and let the feast begin. After saying a few greetings he went over to announce the new prefects as well as Head Girl and Boy. And that was a surprise. I mean Lily Evans wasn't really a surprise: she was a talented, kind and diligent witch. Everyone cheered and congratulated her and she was wearing the biggest grin while slightly blushing. The surprise came a few seconds later when the Head Boy was announced: JAMES POTTER. James couldn't believe it for quite some time, sitting there open-mouthed until Sirius started cheering and Remus and Peter joined in. His friends were truly happy for him, but also for the opportunities this position would bring them. Lily was also happy, but she tried to hid her happiness by also keeping a really surprised face.

Being too occupied with James telling him how amazing and absolutely wonderful this honour is, Sirius did not notice the Hufflepuff girl leave and when he looked there again she was already gone. Great!

When they later were all lying in bed James opened up about his plans to finally win Lily's heart and the boys laughed at him, but also assured him that this year it would work. Sirius snickered a bit and went back to thinking about -what was her name - Mathilda.

After quite some time of thinking he drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

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