Chapter 40: Girlfriend?

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~ Mathilda POV ~

It felt like time had stopped.

I was currently sat in DADA lesson, scribbling a little note to Jesper, who kept ignoring and avoiding me since a nearly week, or let's say since when Sirius and I had kissed. I knew he was disappointed, sad maybe frustrated, but what could I do? I could not fake love and tell him that I felt the same for him. I was not in love with Jesper. I liked Sirius.

Can you pleeeese stop ignoring me? Please let us talk. Your are one of my best friends, I miss you like crazy! I know you are hurt, but I can't do anything against my feelings. I like Sirius and you knew it. But you are my friend and so, so important to me.


I folded a little swan out of my paper and let it fly to Jesper without Mrs Pines noticing it. After landing perfectly on his place, I watched him open it, take a look at it and fold the paper again. Then he just stared into the distance. Great. But then he ripped a piece of parchment off and started writing, to which I sighed in relief.

A few minutes later also a little folded swan landed on my desk and I quickly opened it.

I miss you too. But it is really not easy.You are also my best female friend :D I'll try to get over it, I promise!


I then saw him turn around and smiled towards him, which he -thank Godrick- returned. I really missed him, our conversations and us just sitting in the common room and joking for hours about whatever kind of things. He really was like a brother to me and I did not want this to end just because I kissed Sirius.

Finally turning my attention back to the lesson, I tried to follow what our teacher was explaining to us. Mrs Pines introduced us to the Inferi in that lesson and asked around who already knew something about them. After no one raised their hand and she had to ask again I hesitantly raised my arm. I was not one who was so confident with speaking up in class.

"Yes, please. Ms Bell, what can you tell us?"

"An Inferius is a dead body reanimated by dark magic or by the hand of a dark wizard. They are similar to zombies. ... and I believe Gellert Grindelwald had been rumored to be building an Inferi army, if I remember correctly," I said and Mrs Pines thanked me, nodding and telling me that this was indeed correct. Then she continued with what she had been telling us before, going into very much detail about those Inferi. It was interesting, no doubt, but there were so many things on my mind. Well, Sirius was on my mind and seeing him again. Every fiber in my body just tingled by the thought of him. Love was an amazing feeling.

I was really looking forward for the end of the lesson meaning also the end of the whole school day and finally being able to spend some time with him.

- 20 minutes later-

"Class dismissed!" Oh, thank Godrick, finally.

I quickly grabbed my things, jumping up and our group left the classroom. After stepping into the corridor I was suddenly grabbed by my arm and dragged away from the group of people leaving the classroom.

Gasping and being slightly startled, a silent "wow" slipped through my lips.

Before I could even look into Sirius face his lips were already on mine. Oh, great. Snogging in the corridors definitely would get us into detention at some point.

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