Chapter 92: I Love You for Infinity*

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- October 30th 1981 -

~ Mathilda POV ~

"I love you, I love you so so much," Sirius breathed into my face, placing sloppy kisses around my mouth. His hands slid down my waist, grabbing the hem of my panties and I lifted my hips, so that he could slide them down. He placed kisses on my neck, nipping and moving down to my cleavage, my breasts, swirling his tongue around the pebbled skin, further down to my midriff, before connecting his lips with mine again. His tongue met mine with every stroke, sending heat and tingles into every fiber of my body.

Curling my fingers around his belt, I pulled down his trousers and boxers, before he shoved them off his legs. He looked at me, those stunning grey eyes meeting my brown ones and both of us whispered "I love you" once more. He slowly moved into me, making me feel every glorious inch of him. My back arched of the bed while I dug my nails into his shoulders, his name rolling over my lips like a plea and promise at the same time.

It was true. Every I Love You was the whole entire truth. We loved each other endlessly. More than I could have ever imagined. More than I ever thought was possible. He was my world and my anchor, my fiancé.

I moaned at the feeling of him buried so deep inside of me, filling me so perfectly, slowly moving in and out. His thrusts were slow and deep – not rushed. He pulled out to the tip, thrusted back in to the hilt. I curled my legs behind his hips, rocking against him, my chest brushing his, our mouths connecting in deep and passionate kisses.

It was just us in that very moment. No one else. No war. No pain. No mourning. No death. Just the two of us. Head over heels in love with each other, breathing heavily, skin moving against skin.

For this moment I was able to forget everything around me. "Faster, please," I brought out, panting and he did as told, soon slamming himself to the hilt, hitting that one pleasurable spot over and over again. "Godrick, right there! It feels so good!"
The smile he gave me before kissing me again, was honest and genuine. He felt like I did. He could always forget about the war, about the pain. We both needed this distraction. We both deserved it.

We were both panting heavily, whimpering and moaning into each other when we reached our heights. His sweaty forehead dropped to mine while I cupped his face in my hands, grinning exaustedly.

The pure feeling of happiness and pleasure, I hadn't felt in so long, washed over me. Swept me under a wave of satisfaction and pure bliss.
It was there, the feeling of happiness, it was there. I felt tears dwell in my eyes, quickly sqeezing them shut und gasping loudly.
These were no tears of pain or sorrow, but tears of happiness.

For this moment I could be happy. I felt safe. I felt comfort. Comfort in Sirius' arms. He slowly pulled out and immediately tugged me against his heaving chest.

"I will never understand how you are able to make me feel so good," he hummed against the crown of my head, hands slowly stroking my arms.
"I love you, Sirius!"

With this feeling of happiness, this pure happiness that only he could make me feel, I drifted into a peaceful slumber which after such a long time was not interrupted by nightmares and panic attacks.

◇ ◇ ◇

"I'll prepare us breakfast," I heard Sirius whisper, when I slowly blinked my eyes open, feeling his lips brush against my shoulder.

"Mhm," was all I brought out, when I felt him get up and walk out of the door. After a few minutes I slipped into one of his shirts, buttoning up just some buttons and slipping into some fresh panties. I walked downstairs and the smell of eggs and bacon hit my nose. Once I stepped into the kitchen my stomach twisted and–

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