Chapter 74: What the Bloody Hell Are You Doing Here

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~ Mathilda POV ~

There he stood, his dark brown hair a bit longer than the last time I saw him, two years ago.

I just stood there, my feet rooted to the ground in the back of the room, slightly hidden so he did not yet see me. My stomach churned with nausea.

Why was he here? And how did he know where I was?

"I assume you must be Sirius then? I would like to talk to my daughter," he said, giving Sirius a stern look and stepping forward, to which Sirius just gave him wide eyes and held his hand up.

His voice made my heart clench.

"Look, sir. I have no idea if she wants to talk to you, so you better step back a bit," Sirius answered sternly, flashing him a warning glare. His eyes promised nothing but violence if he put one toe out of place.

"I definitely not let some little boy tell me if I can talk to my daughter or not. So where is she?" my father snapped, a grim expression on his face.

"How do you even know she is here and how the bloody hell do know my name?" Sirius blurted out. I noticed him ball his hands into his voice, his voice promising fury.

"I don't have to give you any answers. So you either tell me now where my daughter is or I'll make you tell me," my father angrily snarled, but before Sirius could answer I quickly stepped forward grabbing Sirius hand and holding onto it tightly.

"Honestly, how do you know that I am here?" I whispered, a surprised look on my face. My father's face softened when he saw me.

"You really turned into a beautiful young woman, resembling your mother a lot. And this is actually not the welcome I expected, but since you are so curious to find out—" he started, rubbing the back of his neck. I gave him a stern look, nothing near kindness on my face.

"Your mother did not want to tell me anything about where you are, so I had to ask the old man. Surprisingly he still likes me and also gave me quite some answers," he answered, shrugging his shoulders. Sirius squeezed my hand tightly, glowering.

"Are you going to invite me in so that I can finally get to know my son-in-law or do I have to stay out here?"

I cringed at his use of words.

I did not hate him that much anymore, but I was far away from showing family love towards him.

Sirius gave me an unsure look, giving me the choice and I decided to let him in, wanting to hear what he had to say and why he was here.

"Alright, you can come in. Not for long and you immediately have to leave if words like Bloodtraitor or Mudblood escape your lips," I confidently said, tightly holding onto Sirius' hand. He nodded and Sirius stepped aside, so he could go in. He looked around and I looked up to Sirius, asking if it was alright to which he nodded. He pulled my head to his lips, placing a kiss to the crown of my head and brushing his hand down my back.

We sat down at the table, Sirius' hand not leaving mine.

"I know you are probably surprised that I am here, but I again had to do business in London and hence I thought that I should pay you a visit," he said, a weak smile on his face, when he turned over to Sirius. Sirius stared at him, his facial features hard and like he could snap any time and beat my father up.

"The situation in Britain gets more severe everyday, I just want you to be safe," my father told me, a sincere look on his face and both Sirius and I nodded. We talked a little bit about what he knew and what he had to say about the Death Eaters and Lord Voldemort.

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