Chapter 91: Sirius & Remus*

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- October 29th 1981 -

~ Mathilda POV ~

I had gotten around three hours of sleep the previous night, but at least I did not have to throw up the soup.

I was currently fumbling with the buttons of my shirt but my trembling fingers did not make that too easy. Remus and I were going on a smaller Order mission while Jesper and Sirius took over a bigger one. Alastor assigned the pairs, so we did not a have a choice. The Order was shrinking, so many people had died in the past weeks and months. Just thinking about it made me cry. Sirius left two hours ago, Jesper picked him up and we would meet again at 7pm at the headquarters.

When I heard the doorbell ring I quickly made my way downstairs and immediately embraced Remus in a tight hug. Remus had become one of my best friends, somehow a big brother over the past months. And we found out that we were quite similar in many aspects. Sirius wasn't too fond of this friendship. He annoyed me a lot with not trusting Remus anymore. We knew that someone close to the Potters was passing information to Voldemort and the number of people who could possibly be the traitor was not too big. Sirius somehow narrowed it down to either Remus or Peter, as he of course knew that he himself as well as me are not the spy. The most obvious choice for him was Remus, while I argued that it could also be Peter, although I did not want to accuse anyone. "No, not Peter. Peter would never be the spy. Little Peter does not even have an opinion himself, he would never do that. He would always do what we tell him. He is way too weak," was what Sirius told me when I raised suspicion towards him.

But there was something about Peter that had changed in the past months, but maybe it had been because he was as broken and terrified as we were.

I just brushed the thought away, hugging Remus once more. He ever so slightly dipped his chin, signalling that we were ready to go.

"I am afraid, although we just follow Travers and see what he is up to, I am so terrified," I told Remus. I knew he would understand me, he always understood me. Sirius sometimes did not understand me, he was reckless, a dare devil and impulsive, sometimes not giving a single fuck about what could happen. I still loved him endlessly, no doubt, but I sometimes really wished he would think before acting.

"I know, me too. But we will be fine and so will Sirius and Jesper." Remus had obviously noticed Sirius' weird behaviour towards him, but he never said anything. Sirius was one of his best friends and he loved him. I did not know if he maybe accused him too of being the spy but I doubted it. Remus was too kind to do that.

We apparated to Diagon Alley, pulling the hoods of our cloaks over our heads and headed towards Knockturn Alley. Not many people were around, most people nowadays spent their whole day in hiding, only leaving the house for the most important errands. Some shops were already decorated for Halloween.


Who would celebrate something like that in times like this? I was looking forward to Christmas, hopefully with mum, Andrew, Sirius. Just peaceful, just us. Family. Maybe the war would be over by then, maybe everything would be fine by then.

We hid behind a wall and waited until Travers, who was followed by Bellatrix and Greyback, appeared. I held my breath, grabbing Remus arm. I hadn't seen Greyback since he had scratched my back open. "Don't worry, I am here and I won't let him hurt you again. He hurt us both enough," Remus whispered to me, leaning down to me since he was quite a bit taller than me.

I nodded, drawing in a deep breath before sneaking after them. They went to Borgin & Burke's and we waited outside watching them cautiously. We scanned their every movement, and listened to what they talked about. We a collected all the information we needed, quickly sprinting away when we saw them turn towards the entrance door. Even if they saw us, it wouldn't matter. We were faster and quickly apparated to the head quarters. It was only around 6pm so the others were not around yet, except for Alastor.

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