Chapter 51: You are the Dancing Queen

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~ Mathilda POV ~

After a few days at home, just enjoying some time with my family, away from all school trouble and problems, but unfortunately also Slughorn coming over, it was finally time for Sirius' big end of school celebration party at his flat. I was a bit unsure since I did not know so many people form his year, but he convinced me that everything will be fine and Marlene was extremely looking forward to finally getting to know me better.

I quickly packed some necessary things, since I was going to stay a bit longer with him, put own my denim jumpsuit and walked outside the house to wait for mum.

I quickly packed some necessary things, since I was going to stay a bit longer with him, put own my denim jumpsuit and walked outside the house to wait for mum

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Mum quickly apparated to London with me, since she anyways had to do work in the ministry. After saying goodbye to her I started to walk into the direction of where I believed his flat was.

I looked around in admiration.

I loved London so much, but most of the time I have been here before I only have been to Diagon Alley, never in the other parts - the muggle parts- of London. I decided that I definitely wanted to spend some more time here during the holidays, just looking around and exploring.

Sirius has scribbled his address on a tiny piece of parchment, and so with a map in the one hand, a piece of parchment in other and a backpack on my back I started walking to where I believed he lived.

After walking for 20 minutes and nearly bumping into three people, since I was so focused on the map, I finally made it. I stepped up the tiny staircase that led to his flat and rang the doorbell. Although there was no reason for it, I was getting extremely nervous in that moment, looking around nervously, hoping that I was really in the right place. The door was suddenly ripped open and someone pulled me into an extremely tight hug, again lifting me off the ground.

"Aaah, there you finally are. We all were worried you got lost!" Marlene shouted at me, before letting me down and looking me up and down.

"Good Godrick, Sirius can you please explain to my why your girlfriend is so hot!? Just look at her, she is sexy as hell!" Marlene squealed while eyeing me up and down again. Hands falling to my sides, I stood there quite perplexed.

"I know. I know, she is. Hot stuff my lady.  But could you please not scare her away, Marls," Sirius said, stepping out of what I believed was the kitchen and walked towards me. 

"Good to see you Marlene and thanks you," I babbled while heat filled my cheeks. After placing a kiss on my lips Sirius also looked me up and down. Could you guys please stop doing that? This girl here is feeling a bit uncomfortable. He then pulled me closer to him, so that he could whisper something into my ear. "She was really not wrong. You are incredibly hot, my love," he said and grinned. Yeah, hot was definitely not an adjective I would describe myself as.

I smiled sheepishly and also thanked him. It was only 5 pm and the party would start at 8, so there were only Lily, Marlene, Sirius, James and Remus there yet. After saying hello to the others I stood in the middle of the living room a bit uncomfortable, before Lily told me to sit down next to them on the couch. "Give me your bag, I'll bring it upstairs," Sirius said before grabbing my bag and the map and sprinting upstairs.

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