Chapter 80: Fenrir Greyback's Traces

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~ Sirius POV ~

"Mors morde!" I paused for a second, nodding at Mathilda and grabbing the two guys to help them outside. "They informed more...they informed him. We need to hurry! Go!" I shouted.

Dorcas quickly followed after us with a guy while Mathilda and Marlene helped the two people who still were inside. I was more than terrified leaving them back, but we needed to get the people out of here and they still would have some time before more Death Eaters would arrive.

"Come on let's get you out of here," I breathed, holding up two guys. "We are getting them out of here, you follow immediately!" I shouted back to the girls not sure if the heard us, before Remus and I apparated with the guys we were holding.

We landed in the headquarters sitting them down and they were immediately taken care of by healers. With a loud bump Dorcas also arrived just a few minutes after us, carrying a guy and a young girl. The young girl Mathilda helped earlier. We ran up to Dorcas to help her.

"Where are Mathilda and Marlene?" I stammered, approaching her. Panic sank its claws into me.

"We need to go back. Something happened... I don't know exactly. More Death Eaters arrived. They casted Mors Morde. We need to help them. I couldn't turn around I already apparated when they arrived," Dorcas breathed, close to tears and panting heavily.

I panicked, quickly grabbing the hands of the other two and apparating back.

We landed in the forest and immediately started to sprint towards the cabin.

They were there.

Death Eaters, including Fenrir Greyback.

He was currently walking towards the cabin and I hastily looked around trying to find Mathilda and Marlene. Dorcas screamed, sprinting towards Marlene who was lying on the ground.

Then I saw her.

Or them.

Mathilda was lying on the ground, a Death Eater hovering over her, ripping her shirt open and letting his gross hands run over her.

I was shaking with panic, nausea cramping my stomach. Fury and anger coated my insides. I became who I never wanted to become and I then I did the only thing I was capable of doing in this moment.

"Avada Kedavra!" I shouted from the top of my lungs, pointing my wand at the Death Eater who immediately fell of her. While I sprinted towards her, I heard Remus beside me gasp and saw her hit her head on the ground.

I dropped on my knees next to her, tears running out of my eyes uncontrollably, while I started panting heavily and ran a hand over her face. A loud sob escape my throat. Throwing my head back, I screamed her name.

"No, love. You are going to be fine. Open your eyes. Come on, look at me. Pup. Love. Mathilda. Please open those beautiful eyes. Come on. Stay with me. Please, open your eyes. Stay with me," I stammered, under tears. Remus broke down next to me. I held her face in my hands, quickly turning around to face Dorcas, who helped Marlene stand up.

"Is she is she-?" Marlene cried out, limping towards us, tightly holding onto Dorcas. "No, she is still breathing but I believe she is terribly hurt," Remus stammered, slightly rolling her over to look for injuries.

I sat there, shaking and panting. I saw her eyes flicker slightly and her mouth opened a bit. "Love, we are here. Don't worry, we will fix this," I stammered not, letting go of her face.

"It...hurts, it hurts so," she whined between quick pants, barely audible, before her eyes shut again. Remus quickly rolled her over and we all held our breaths, gasping and I felt like vomiting.

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