Chapter 86: Kissing Lucius Malfoy*

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~ Mathilda POV ~

A few weeks after the birth we made our way over to James and Lily to see Harry, fine and healthy and a few weeks old. We visited them regularly since the birth, Sirius wanted to spend a lot of time with his godson. Concerning the betting debts Sirius was generous, I only had to cook his favourite meal, tell him around 50 times how much I loved him and then give him a massage. So it really could have been worse.

Harry was currently awake when Lily handed him over to me and I smiled at him with pure happiness. "Hey, little one. How are you?" I smiled at Harry, feeling Sirius wrap an arm around me and also smiling at the tiny boy. I ran a finger of his cheeks and his tiny fingers, having to grin when he moved his mouth slightly. "So tiny. I cannot believe how tiny he is. Like look at those tiny hands, the tiny nose. Ugh, how can you be so cute?" I beamed, speaking with a baby voice while grinning and Lily chuckled.

"Yeah, he is so tiny and fragile. It really scares me sometimes," she said approaching us and I chuckled. "No worries. You are a great mum," I told her, once she reached us and she gave me a thankful smile.

"We are actually not staying for too long. We have to go on an Order mission later. A mission that includes polyjuice potion according to Alastor," Sirius then told the two of them.

Polyjuice potion. I nearly had to puke just thinking of it.

"Ooh, is he letting you invade a Death Eater meeting?" James asked, raising his eyebrows and I nodded. "Yeah, I believe. He did not say too much just that he will prepare everything for us and we just have to do what he tells us..... But I am looking forward to who we are going to turn into," Sirius chuckled. "Hopefully not my spiteful cousin!" We had to laugh, thinking about Sirius turning into Bellatrix. Good lord, after all they both had the dark curls und the famous Black genes.

"Maybe Snivellus. You know, you have his black hair and the tall slim figure," James laughed out and Sirius punched him in a playful way. Then they began tackling each other until they were lying on the floor, still tackling each other and laughing. "Oh my, sometimes I am not really sure if Harry here is my only child." Lily chuckled softly while we sat down on the couch and I had to laugh, nodding in agreement.

They soon calmed down and we talked a little bit before we had to leave, saying goodbye and telling them all the best for now.

We apparated to the headquarters, where Remus, Jesper and Marlene were already waiting for us.

"Ah there you are finally. We captured five Death Eaters, removed their minds temporarily and you will replace them in the meeting today. They are in a safe place and will not intervene with you. Four of them will directly be moved to Azkaban when you return. (They could escape though) I prepared a bottle for all of you to drink from, then the five of you will make your way to their headquarters," Alastor filled us in when we entered the dining room of the headquarters. Ijust nodded, taking in all the information.

"I hope I am going to be someone pretty," Marlene laughed and I had to chuckle. "How is Dorcas? Is she feeling better by now?" I asked, slightly concerned. "Yeah, she is fine. Not fully recovered yet but soon," Marlene assured me. Dorcas splintered slightly the last time they apparated during an Order mission and is now recovering.

On the table there was a huge pile of clothes and Remus looked at it, with a weird look. "We watched them. Those people you will turn into. Looked what they wear and got the same things for you, to really fully blend in," Alastor informed us and I nodded at him.

"So here you go. I believe you are all familiar with this particular brew. Take a good sip, swallow carefully and change into the clothes. Then you have to immediately leave not that the potion wears off! Oh, and let me warn you, it is disgusting. Tastes like goblin piss," Alastor laughed, while we stepped towards the table. We all grabbed a bottle from in front of us, lifting it up to our lips. Gross. The smell was more than gross. "On three," Remus said and started counting. "Cheers!"

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