Chapter 77: I Actually Hated You at First

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~ Mathilda POV ~

I slowly opened my eyes yawning and blinking a few times before stretching slightly. I turned a bit on my back to look at the boy sleeping next to me. He looked so peaceful, lightly snoring, lying on his belly, the black locks falling over his eyes while some small rays of sunshine that shone through the curtains fell on his naked back. I smiled at him although he was still asleep and ran my fingers over his forehead to push some locks out his face. His arm was tightly wrapped around me and I needed to get up but I did not want to wake him.

Another nightmare had haunted him last night and we barely got any sleep.

But I needed to get up, he wasn't ready to go on missions yet and so I needed to go alone. Or at least partly alone, in the sense of without him. I was going on a mission with Dorcas while Remus and James went on another mission to somewhere outside of London. Sirius wasn't too fond of the idea of me going on a mission without him but I over and over convinced him that it was fine. Mary and Peter were currently away on another Order mission and Marlene got injured just a few days ago when she tried to hunt down Lucius Malfoy so she was coming over to keep an eye on Sirius, so that he would not follow us. And Lily was not going on a mission as she had to do a lot of planning for the wedding.

It was currently Thursday and the wedding would take place on Saturday, so not that much time left.

I tried to slowly wiggle out of his grip, but I was unsuccessful and he grumbled into the pillow and pulled me closer to him.

"I need to get up now, Dorcas and Marlene will be here soon. I need to get ready," I mumbled before placing a kiss to his forehead. "No!"

"What no? Yes, I have to," I laughed, stroking his head. "I really need to get up now," I once again said and placed a kiss to his mouth. "But what if something happens to you? I could not survive if I lose you too," he whined, not opening his eyes and pressing his eyes further into the pillow. I knew that he was trying to hold back crying.

"I will be careful. Nothing will happen to me. Dorcas and I will just sit in Knockturn Alley and watch out for who enters Borgin and Burke's, that's it. Nothing dangerous, nothing where I could get hurt. We will sit somewhere hidden and nothing will happen," I assured him and snuggled closer to him. "I will be fine and you take your time to recover and enjoy your day with Marlene," I mumbled into his hair and felt him nod.

How funny? A little more than a year ago I would have freaked out if I had known that he spent a whole day alone in his flat with Marlene and now I was happy for him.

He slowly lifted his arm and also finally opened his eyes. But he only lifted his arm so much that he could place his hand on my face. He ran his fingers over it, smiling and leaned forward to place a kiss on my lips. "You really have to be careful! Promise me that."

"Promised!" I told him and after another kiss I finally got up and walked to the bathroom.

I looked at the mirror and huffed at myself. I looked terrible, really terrible. Sirius was haunted by nightmares basically every night since Regulus' death. It was always the same procedure, he started screaming in his sleep, I pulled him close to me, we talked a bit, I comforted him and then he tried to sleep again. Mostly we then only got around four hours of sleep at night, which was definitely not too much, but his well-being and recovery was definitely my priority at the moment and not that I get my beauty sleep.

I brushed my teeth, washed by face, slipped out of my pyjamas, put on some clothes for the mission and braided my hair. I slowly walked out of the bathroom to find the bedroom empty.

Where the hell was he?

"Sirius?" I shouted and he did not answer. Great.

I walked downstairs only to find him leaning against the kitchen counter, in just his light sleeping pants and no shirt. I smiled at him shaking my head when he pointed towards the table. "Breakfast!?"

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