Chapter 19: Slugclub, Lily Evans and O.W.L.s

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~ Mathilda POV ~

Thank god, the school year had been rather uneventful. I had tried to avoid Sirius as much as I could in order for the crush to please finally go away. I always sat with my back facing the Gryffindor table and avoided any kind of situation that could have led to having a conversation with him.

Jesper made it on the Quidditch team and I was truly happy for him and also quite proud of him. Just for a quick overview: Britt - Chaser, Ian - team captain & Beater and Jesper - Chaser.

We loved to watch their training session and matches although unfortunately we often lost, or let's say we nearly lost every game. But it is not about winning it is about having fun (someone should probably tell this to the Gryffindor team) and so we still enjoyed every game. James Potter was Quidditch captain of Gryffindor and so the Maurauders always cheered like crazy, and also always threw big victory celebration parties.

This year was also the year where I joined the Slugclub. Slughorn invited me to join it. Was it because of my outstandingly good grades and talent? Definitely, not! Was it because of his connection and friendship to my grandfather? Definitely, yes. There was only one other Hufflepuff in the Slugclub, a boy from 7th year. I soon made friends with Lily Evans, she seemed pretty alright and quite normal. We talked a lot about anything and everything and she often complained about James or how she calls him 'Potter', who apparently had a huge crush on her and constantly asked her to got on a date with him. Not in a creepy way, but he made her compliments and well occasionally asked her to got out with him, which she always declined. Although she tried to sound very convincing that she had zero interest in him I had an inkling that she actually liked him back, but didn't really want to admit it.

The friendship with Lily unfortunately brought me into some very inconvenient situations. For example the one time I probably forgot to breath for quite some minutes. We were currently walking to a Slugclub meeting when suddenly from behind us there were arms wrapped around our shoulders. I was shocked and looked up and looked into the face of a grinning Sirius Black.
Holy Helga, why did he also have to smell extremely nice? Couldn't he just smell like rubbish? No, of course not.
Of course he had to make things even more difficult than they already were. His scent smelled of a very strong cologne, somehow earthy and also somehow like smoke with a tiny note of something sweet. 

I was tensing up like crazy and probably started to blush like a fool while Lily tried to push his arm away. I tried to do the same after coming to my senses. 

My heart must have stopped. I knew it. It stopped beating and that I was still standing left me in utter awe. I thought that at least at that point when I was lured into his abolsutely delicious scent my knees had given in. But they hadn't and so I was still standing. Still pretending he was a prick that I did not care about a single, teeny-tiny bit.

We were unsuccessful with shoving him off of us and he so started talking. Started talking with his lovely, raspy voice. "Well ladies, you see that boy over there–" Sirius spun us around so we were looking in the direction of James Potter who was currently trying to casually lean against a wall, "he really likes you, Evans. And he would really appreciate it if you go on a date with him." "Oh, shut up, Sirius. For the millionth time I AM NOT INTERESTED IN POTTER!" she huffed, sternly. "So if you will excuse us ladies now, we are leaving!" 

Lily now forcefully pushed his arm away, grabbed my arm instead and dragged me away. I was still in shock, his arm had just been around me and my shitty self completely lost all her senses. Wow, I definitely had control over this crush. He shouted a few things after us, but I couldn't really make sense of what he was saying since I was too busy thinking about what just happened. Lily kept on ranting about how annoying they were and how it got worse and worse.

We also had to attend our O.W. L.s this year. All I really cared about was Care of Magical creatures with I passed with an Outstanding. The rest was pretty average and I also managed to scrape through Transfiguration once again, wondering how I always did it. My friends also passed everything, Britt even managed to get an Outstanding in all her exams accept for Care of Magical Creatures where she 'only' got an EE. 

At this point I thought that I would really enjoy the summer after everything that happened this year.
What can I say I WAS WRONG. Very wrong.

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