Chapter 59: Summer Loving

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~ Mathilda POV ~







"Perfect, that's it," I said, closing the tiny basket and putting my sunglasses on while Sirius passed me the helmet for his motorcycle.

"Let's go then."

We stepped outside and it was really warm, untypically warm for Great Britain. The sun was shining brightly and there was no cloud in sight. Sirius quickly helped me onto the motorcycle, before also helping me close the helmet. He insisted that I wore a helmet although he claimed he would not need one. Classic Sirius.

He then stored the basket away and also got on the bike and said „Hold on tight, as usual!" which I of course did and I heard him chuckle. Then we took off and I just as always loved the feeling of the wind hitting us while we were driving through the streets.

After around twenty minutes we then arrived at the lake and started walking the others.

For some time we just sat there talking about everything until James and Sirius decided to go swimming, Peter and Mary quickly joined them and so did Marlene and Dorcas. Lily and I waited for a little longer still wearing our summer dresses and slowly walking towards the lake, since the water was incredibly cold when we just held one toe in it.

I noticed that Remus was still sat on the towels while all the others were already splashing around in the water.

"Get in, get in!" James shouted splashing around and swimming towards Lily who just started to run. Sirius now also started swimming towards me and I quickly said, "I'll be right back, then I'll get in," before turning around and running away.

James was now chasing after Lily, who was surprisingly fast, and I had to laugh out loud watching them.

I sat down next to Remus, Sirius furrowing his eyebrows before stepping out of the water.

Wow. He really was a sight for sore eyes. Black locks now dripping with water. He brushed a hand through them, slowly rising out of the lake. My eyes trailed his body, down his lean chest, over the muscles on his belly, to the rim of his bathing shorts.  

I quickly bit down my lip and turned towards Remus.

"Are you not interested in getting in or is there another reason for it?" I queried, flashing him a sympathetic smile. He was still fully dressed although the sun was burning down on us and I had a feeling there was something that bothered him.

He shyly looked at the ground starting to pick up grass.

He hesitated for a while before he spoke up. "Uhm, it's just that I have these terrible scars and it is quite embarrassing, I don't want everyone to see," he explained, smiling sadly.

"That is really nothing to worry about. And definitely nothing to be embarrassed about. Come on, join us," I told him, placing my hand on his knee. A slight shudder coursed through his body at that.

Sirius now also sat down next to us, giving us a questioning look. "Hm, I don't know. You two go back and have fun, I'll just stay here."

"Oh, come on. I mean I don't want to push you to do anything you are uncomfortable with but–here look. It might make you feel better."

I turned my back towards him, slightly lifting my dress. There were three big scarred scratches reaching from my left shoulder down to nearly my butt, before I could pull the dress back down I felt Sirius' fingers lightly trace over the skin, which again gave me goosebumps. He had never seen them, I either always had it covered by clothes or my hair hang over it. I then pulled the dress down and turned towards the two, both their mouths slightly open and a look of concern on their faces.

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