Chapter 55: No More Secrets*

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~ Mathilda POV ~

After knocking a few times and getting no answers I just decided to walk in. I had been here many times before and Sirius was expecting me.

"Hey! I am here. Sirius?" I happily shouted into the flat while toeing off my shoes. Ah, god, he was exactly what I needed after that day.

"Where were you?" Sirius snarled, stepping out of the kitchen, annoyance quite obvious in his voice. His shirt was unbuttoned, his black locks fell into his face, some strands covering his eyes and in his right hand he held a glass of Firewhiskey. Probably not his first by the slight slurring in his voice.

"And who exactly salted your soup?" I flashed him an amused look, before putting my shoes and bag away and walking towards him. I went on my tiptoes to give him a kiss, but he just quickly snapped his face away. Now I stood there pouting, he in front of me, eyebrows furrowed and an angry look on his face and towering over me.

"Where were you? Answer that now! And don't make me repeat my question another time!"

His voice, the tone of his voice, sent shivers down my spine and my stomach cramped.

"In Diagon Alley with the girls, as I told you in the letter," I mumbled, taking a few steps back from him.

I wasn't dumb. I had a feeling what he was aiming at. He couldn't have known where I was? Could he? But how? This would mean he must have followed me. But why would he follow me? And how?

"Stop fucking lying! And tell me the fuck where you were," he snapped, clenching his jaw and I was getting really anxious. I had never seen him like that in my life. Just before I could open my mouth again he suddenly put the glass down. He walked extremely closely to me, glaring directly into my eyes, with so much anger and pain, I could hardly stand it. I needed to be honest right now. But how could he know?

"One fucking last time, where the hell were you?" he said through gritted teeth, now standing so close that I could feel his breath on my skin. A vein popped up on his forehead and I saw him clench his hands into fists. Godrick.

"Knockturn Alley," I whispered, looking at the ground with a trembling lip, tears burning behind my eyes. "I know I should have told you and explained, but—"

"But what? But you chose to lie. What was the fucking problem, why you could not tell? I am you boyfriend. I over and over tell you how much I love you and that is what you do in return? You do no trust me. You lie. You betray me. You do some criminal, illegal business in Knockturn Alley. You out of all people? Honestly, Mathilda what is up with you? Do you have any connection to the dark arts or Death Eaters? Are you one of them? Or is there anything else you are keeping from me?" he shouted at me, slightly pushing me out of the way before walking into the living room.

I quickly chased after him, grabbing him by his arm.

I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. It was pathetic I knew it. I was the one who fucked up, I shouldn't be crying, but I could not hold it back anymore. Tears were running down my cheeks and in between sobs I tried to stammer an explanation.

"I can explain. Everything. Please let me explain. Please listen. Sirius please listen to me. I'll explain everything to you," I said sobbing in front of him.

"Go on then," he snarled, jaw still clenched, but his face softening slightly.

"Please let us sit down and I'll explain everything."

When then sat down on the couch, I tried to grab his hand, but he just pushed mine away, shaking his head and staring holes into the carpet.

"Alright, where do I start?"

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