Chapter 10: Mischief Managed

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~ 3rd person POV ~

One could always see the group of young boys running around the corridors laughing, mumbling, snickering and making mischievous plans. Shortly after they had passed you, might see someone running after them fully drenched in water or having green hair or suddenly wearing a pink coloured robe. Those people were mostly cursing the boys.

It felt like they would be unstoppable in their mischief-causing and they loved the reputation that they had soon earned themselves - being the Maurauders of the school.

Well, let's say James and Sirius loved it. They enjoyed the attention, enjoyed the reputation. They were easily delighted by riling up their peers, grinning at them from ear to ear.

Peter loved it too, simply because James and Sirius did and he wanted to be part of their little gang more than anything else. He di just what they wanted him to do.

Remus was in quite a dilemma. Yes, he loved his friends and he was more than happy - no, he was over the moon (no funny I know) - that they were his friends. For the first time in his life he had friends. But they could be really annoying at some points, too and sometimes he simply did not want to break the rules like they did but he was too afraid of losing them so he also always trailed behind them. With James and Sirius being ringleaders of their little gang they were the ones who nearly ended up in detention every week while Remus and Peter sometimes could escape this form of punishment.

For Sirius it was something special. He finally received something like appreciation for the things he did (although they mostly caused trouble). James appreciated his ideas and praised him for his ideas. All his life Sirius had tried to do everything perfect so that he would earn at least some kind of recognition from his parents. Of course they hadn't given him any kind of praise or admiration Love was a foreign word in the noble house of Black. Things changed for Sirius when he had met James and got sorted into Gryffindor. He suddenly knew that he did not need the appreciation of his family because he had found a new family in his three best friends. They liked the things he did, they praised him for them and he did not even have to try hard, he just had to be himself. Sirius could finally be happy with just being himself after so many years of trying to be someone else. The terms "Mudblood" or "blood traitor" and "scumsucker" sometimes still slipped through his lips because he was so used to hearing them from his parents and family, but soon these words were vanished more and more and finally became foreign to him. James always had warned him when he had used them and Sirius quickly learned. 

There was only one thing still bothering him. This one thing that once meant so much to him. That one thing that caused him sleepless nights and sometimes even led to panic attacks.


Once the two brothers had been closer than anything else, protecting each other from the punishment of their mother, standing up for each other and having each other's back. Sirius tried to talk to Regulus, but had to accept the fact that they were slowly drifting apart and he could do nothing in order to stop that.

He more and more tried to avoid these sad feelings and used all his free time where he might think about Regulus and the relationship they once had to plan and execute pranks. The targets for their pranks were mostly Slytherins who believed in blood supremacy, Hufflepuffs who just were easy targest or random people who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

There was probably only one person in the whole school that the two troublemakers were truly afraid of: Minerva McGonagall. She was the one who nearly put them into detention every week and who told them a million times to stop pranking their school mates.

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