Chapter 26: I Believe They Are Dating

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-a few days later-

~ Mathilda POV ~

"Gooood morning, ladies. You know what is happening today?" Britt cheerfully jumped through our dorm room. The other girls just groaned covering their heads with the bed sheets until Emma suddenly jumped up.

"Quidditch game, it's the Quidditch match against Gryffindor. I need to pick out an outfit." She hastily ran through the room, looking at pieces of clothing and throwing all kinds of things around in the room. Nervous little hen.

Julie also slowly sat up, stretching her arms above her head and yawning loudly.

"I've got a plan. If we win this game, Emma, walk straight up to Ian and kiss him, congratulating him on the game. What are you saying about that plan?"

I now also sat up as well, grinning and giggling.
That plan was actually not too bad.

"That's a lovely plan, but do you really think we will win?"

"First of all, I agree with Mathilda. And secondly, I can't do that," Emma grumbled while furiously blushing and fumbling around with the shirt in her hands.

"Why not, that's a phenomenal idea? Oh, and Tills thanks for believing in us so much."
Britt glared at me before rolling her eyes.

"Sorry, I just meant that we lost all the past games, even against Ravenclaw. How should we win against Gryffindor? They are good. More than good. Potter practically ruling this game," I said, but added, "But I believe in you. Maybe you will really win today?! Don't you have a new seeker?"

Britt told us that the Hufflepuff team really got a new seeker, a 3rd year boy with exceptional talent. Well, maybe they really had a chance? We kept on talking about the game and the plan for Emma. She wasn't fully on board with the plan, but after some more minutes of trying to convince her she finally agreed and said she will do it but only if Hufflepuff wins the game.

After getting fully dressed and going to the bathroom we then walked to the Great Hall. When we entered we were immediately hit by the lovely smell of breakfast.

We made our way over to the Hufflepuff table where the boys already sat, talking about the upcoming game. I quickly glanced over to the Gryffindor table only to see Sirius being very engaged into a conversation with Marlene and laughing out loudly. They are probably really dating. There were already numerous rumors about them hooking up in random broom closets last year. And the rumors were true. Even I had spotted them sneaking out of the broom closets together, faces flushed and giggling loudly.

Nope, that did not bother me. Not a single teeny-tiny bit. I told myself, but in all honesty who did I even try to fool. I internally face-palmed myself before grabbing a toast, putting butter and jam on it.

We soon joined in on the boys' conversation, but once again I only listened with one ear, my mind wandering off.

~ Sirius POV ~

I was currently talking to Marlene about the up coming Quidditch game as she was quite nervous about getting knocked out again by a Bludger that had hit her head during their last game.

"Come on, Marlene. It won't happen again. You're not playing against Slytherin and the Hufflepuffs are anyways way too nice to hit a Bludger against your head!"

She laughed out loudly, throwing her head back.

"You're right. They will probably let us win because they are too nice to let us lose a game," she said between laughs to which I also had to chuckle, scratching the back of my neck. My opinion on Hufflepuffs had changed a bit — clearly I had no idea why.

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