Chapter 41: I Am Always Here For You

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~ Mathilda POV ~

"I am so scared! Like so, so scared. What if Alecto is trying to murder me during that game today?" Britt exclaimed, suddenly jumping onto my bed and my eyes shot open. I had still been asleep, that was really not a nice way to wake someone up.

"She won't kill you and if she is trying to, we are all there to kick her off of her broom," I tried to reassure her, slowly wiggling out from under my blanket.

"Ah, and Logan will also be watching. This is the first game since we started dating where he will be watching me play! That kind of scares me, too. What if I mess up and he thinks something bad of me?"

Freeing my hand, I gave her a facepalm which was easy as she was still sitting on my bed, or should I rather say, on me.

"That boy is crazy for you and even if you score an own goal he will still love you the exact same way. Trust me," I told her while lying back in my bed. She quickly leaned over me, furrowing her eyebrows and I gave her an irritated look.

"I hope you are right. I am so nervous I hope I can even focus on the game."

Then she suddenly jumped off the bed and started collecting her things to go to the bathroom. Yawning loudly,  I shook my head, looking after her.

When I also got up, I slowly and tiredly collected my own things so I could also head to the bathroom. After we were all finished with our routine we made our way to the Great Hall to have breakfast.

When the owls kept flying in, bringing the mail I suddenly saw his owl. Great, another letter form my father. When I finished eating my cornflakes I hesitantly ripped the letter open and started reading.

Dear Mathilda,
I am not quite sure if you have received the past letters I have written, but since I did
not receive an answer from you I am writing to you again. I am no back in Sweden
since a few days and the what is happening in Britain scares me a lot.
The situation with muggles and Mudbloods gets more and more severe and I want
you to be careful. This is war and not some stupid game.
After all you are still my child and I care about you. I really urge you
to stop spending with your Mudblood and blood traitor friends and maybe spend more
time with people like Bertram Aubrey or Evan Rosier. They seem like good company,
I got to work with there parents.
Hoping to hearing from you soon!
All the best and reconsider your decision,
Your father

How do you react to something like that?

I mean it was nice that he suddenly cared for me after all those years. He also finally did not call me a disappointment or a disgrace which was a nice surprise, but still, it was my decision who I spent my time with.

A single tear made its way down my cheek and Emma wrapped an arm around my shoulder giving me a sympathetic smile and kissing the side of my head. I noticed her eyes skimming over the letter as well. She was always was so concerned when I got a letter from him. From my father. I returned her smile, although it never met my eyes. I was not sure if I was going to answer him or if I was just going to ignore it again. Again, like I did it with all those letters before.

Britt, Jesper and Ian were already practicing and Emma wanted to watch them or let's say Ian practice. I told them that I was anyways going to meet up with Sirius before the game and that her and Julie could of course leave to watch them practice. We walked out of the Great Hall and both of them hugged me before making their way out to the Quidditch pitch. I sat down on one of the benches in the corridor, resting my head on the wall behind me and closing my eyes thinking about this stupid letter.

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