Chapter 67: A Letter from Sirius

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~ Mathilda POV ~

"Alright, no you need to hold your wand so high, a bit more like that," I instructed, grabbing Jesper's hand and helping him hold the wand correctly. We were currently practicing spells in the common room, all of us, because with the little education we got from Mrs Stringer we could not really do a lot.

"Nothing to see, keep walking," Julie growled at some first years, who gave us an irritated look.  Giving them a furious look, she shooed them away.

"Expelliarmus!" Ian said and Emma's wand went flying over his head, to which we all cheered.

"Amazing!" Emma exclaimed and we all brightly smiled at him. For an hour we had been practicing now, just quickly in the break between History of Magic and Potions. We practiced just the most necessary spells, like Expelliarmus and Stupefy and used every chance we could.

I hadn't really gotten a hang on Stupefy for years, always fired myself onto a wall. But it got better, thanks to Sirius who really tried to teach me the spell. During the first attempts he constantly kept laughing at me, because I flew through the whole room and crashed against walls, one time hitting my head really badly.

Now that I managed the spell I obviously had to pass my knowledge on. Obviously, we all really wanted to be prepared for what was coming and hence used every chance for practice. In with every chance I really meant every chamce. Before, during and after school.

"Quick, we only have ten minutes left before we need to head to Potions. Come on, try it one more time, Jesper!" I urged him, taking a few steps away from him. He lifted his wand, pointed it at me, slowly opening his mouth and moving his hand in a swift movement, "Exeplliarmus!"

Without hesitation my wand left my hand and flew directly into Jesper's hand which he had stretched forward. A proud look appeared on his face and I cheered, clapping my hands. "Brilliant!" I shouted, jumping up and down before running towards him. He was truly happy and so was I.

"Okay, then tonight when we return from dinner, we are going to practice casting patroni and also continue practicing the Stunning Spell," Britt informed us, while grabbing her school stuff for potions. She took control over our practicing, managing everything we had to learn and our schedule. I was really thankful for that as I was not the best at organising.

After all of us got our things we headed towards the dungeons for Potions Class. Bertram, Evan, Alecto and Regulus walked towards us, when we reached the classroom and Evan opened his mouth to say something.

"Honestly, shut it, Evan. Don't even start talking. Slither back into the whole you came out from and don't even try to say some stupid shit. Because rubbish and bullshit are the only things leaving your mouth nowadays," Julie stated, holding her hand up in front of Evan's face and he looked quite perplexed. We all chuckled, also quite surprised but proud of our friend.

"Filthy blood traitor and scum suckers!" Alecto hissed and I quickly stuck my tongue out towards her. I had no idea where that came from but it felt right. She huffed and Bertram grabbed her arm pulling her after him.

"Ah good afternoon, good afternoon!" Slughorn greeted the class, appearing from behind his desk. Today was a practical lesson and we were all already gathered around our tables, our cauldrons in front of us and ready to start brewing. We already were in full preparation for the NEWTs and just revised potions we learned in the previous years. On todays schedule was the Wit-Sharpening Potion, which allowed the drinker to think more clearly. "Honestly, I could need this potion everyday in my life," Emma mumbled and I snickered, nodding my head in agreement. Same, my friend.

"What else can you say about this potion, anyone? Maybe you Mr Black?" Slughorn questioned and Regulus looked pretty unsure. He looked up to Slughorn, before letting air escape through his lips.

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